Tag Archives: health

{i am a ritualist}

12 Jun

what can i say?! … i am a creature of habit.

i believe i have always been this way, but i don’t believe i have always lived this way…

over the last couple of years i have been particularly adamant about creating a healthy routine in my life… i have found myself purposefully setting intentions of a grounding “ritual” in my daily life from which i could draw strength.

at the very core of those routines and rituals is my desire for overall well-being.

i’m talking about wellness – inside and out – a sense of harmony… and i do believe that all starts within.

the more within myself i look, the more i realize that i absolutely THRIVE in routine. i believe part of that is because i recognize that all living things are in routine… and all living things exist by “obeying” certain laws of nature, many of which we as human beings are more removed from than i would prefer. nature is cyclical, and it is {for the most part} pretty predictable… therefore, nature also thrives in routine.

think about it…

all that to say, the more in touch with nature i’ve become, the more i’ve realized that i am as much a part of nature as nature itself. my body thrives in rhythm and routine, just as nature does.

one of the things i have been wanting to adopt as part of my healthy routine was including a daily vitamin supplement. although i generally eat a very well-balanced healthy diet, i’ve frequently struggled with finding a vitamin supplement that fit my desire for harmony and also fit my standards for well-being… which, i admit, are pretty high. 😉

and so it is with great enthusiasm that i say – I FOUND THAT!

which brings me to my purpose for creating this blogpost… my new best friend :

my ritual vitamins.

these wonderful vitamins came into my life serendipitously… as do most things that are “meant to be.” 🙂

as i said, i had already set the intent of finding a vitamin to add to my daily routine that would give me what i was looking for… an extension of my already healthy lifestyle choices, and SIMPLICITY.

what i love most about ritual is their simplicity. they have taken the guesswork out for us. instead of stuffing a tablet with unnecessary fillers and/or many of the nutrients that come from an already healthy diet, they’ve only included the 9 nutrients that most women lack or are deficient in… basically, it does what i have always believed a vitamin supplement should do… supplement, or as they say – “fill in the gaps”…

the 9 essential nutrients in ritual are :

  • vitamin K2
  • vitamin D3
  • vitamin B12
  • boron
  • iron
  • vitamin E
  • magnesium
  • folate
  • omega-3

so, instead of buying upwards of 4 or 5 bottles of different supplements, many of which include unnecessary fillers, you get all you need in 2 daily capsules. part of the allure for me is that it truly epitomizes the concept of “less is more.”

another reason i love ritual is the transparency – literally and figuratively speaking. the capsules are literally see-through… and the company is transparent by allowing the consumer to trace the source of each ingredient on their website.

ritual vitamins are made for women. they are non-gmo, vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free, and the company was founded by a woman. these vitamins are designed specifically for women. for one dollar a day, you can invest in your health by supporting an outstanding company that is truly revolutionizing the vitamin industry. plus, you get bioavailable nutrients that help you look and feel your best.

i have chosen to be an ambassador for this incredible brand because i believe in their mission and i am an advocate for voting with your dollars, as in putting your money where it matters. the $30 a month investment is one that provides a wealth of health.

please visit this link to start your ritual today : food and foto loves ritual

and stay tuned for my personal review on how this vitamin supplement has affected my overall well-being.


{foodie friday : the teeniest strawberry}

9 Jun

actually, the teeniest strawberries probably grow wild in our back yard…

but i don’t think these are edible… 😉

{dehydrated baby bananas}

2 Mar


whenever i notice any kind of produce is starting to lose its freshness, such as these adorable baby bananas, i know it’s time to bust out the dehydrator.


banana faces 🙂


banana chips make for some great snacks!!

i also love to throw them in smoothies, as an alternative to frozen or fresh ones.

do you use a dehydrator? what are some of your favourite things to dehydrate? 



{pan-seared wild-caught salmon}

13 Feb


i love salmon! and although it’s not in season just yet, i try to eat it at least twice a month, but ideally i would like to get back to consuming it once a week or more. it’s full of omega 3 fatty acids and healthy lean protein. this particular wild-caught salmon filet was hand-delivered to me by an alaskan fisherman! 🙂

my favourite way to prepare salmon is to pan-sear it. don’t be intimidated, it’s a very easy method.

i simply sprinkle my salmon filet{s} with a little S&P and squeeze a little lemon juice over it, as well.

then, start with a medium-high heat skillet coated with a little olive oil, and place salmon filet in skin-side up. cook for 4-5 minutes, then flip over and finish with skin-side down, another 4-5 minutes. cooking it this way usually allows for the filet to come up easily off the skin when serving. i like to serve mine over a bed of greens or a simple couscous recipe.

bon appetite! 

{farmers market turmeric root}

6 Jan



have you ever seen turmeric root like this before?

i was fascinated when i spotted this at my local farmer’s market. when i go to visit, there is one stand in particular that i like to frequent. the lady who owns it is so sweet and always has a ton of good information on her products and she is always willing to answer my and all of my questions. it seems that the prices for produce at farmers’ markets are sometimes half the price of grocery stores or health food markets, which is just another reason why i love to support the farmers!!!

a few other reasons i choose to put my money into farmers markets are as follows : accessibility, freshness, availability, integrity, seasonality, friendliness, knowledge, willingness, and as i mentioned, affordability.

i had never seen turmeric root in this form, and i couldn’t wait to pick some up to take fotos of. sometimes i’ve seen parts of it broken off into larger and smaller pieces, but not in a huge chunk like this. i have been wanting to incorporate turmeric into my diet more frequently, particularly because i have been experiencing some pain in my elbow lately. and as you may know, turmeric is known for having anti-inflammatory properties. i am hoping that by consuming turmeric regularly, the pain in my elbow will substantially subside.

i thought it would be fun to share these fotos of turmeric, since it is so intriguing to look at! check out all the ‘knobs’ and ‘nodules’ and the funny/fascinating shapes it takes on and how it forms that way. i love all root vegetables, and when i find something in its natural state, i get even more excited about it. did you catch that cool post about ginger-root? i just love going to the farmer’s market and i one day hope to have a nice big garden in my backyard, as to grow lots of wonderful food. i basically want to be a farmer.

one of the things i’ve been doing with turmeric lately is making tea, which i am just loving! have you ever tried turmeric tea? i have been wanting to try it for so long now, but as with anything “new,” i tend to get intimidated until i actually just go for it! and i’m so glad i finally did! i made some tea with this beautiful chunk of turmeric, and i loved it so much that i wanted to share the recipe.

you can usually find fresh turmeric at health food stores. or if you have access to one, check at your local farmers market, as well. some of my research has discovered that you can also use the ground spice to make turmeric tea, however i prefer the fresh stuff. it’s definitely more time-consuming, but for me, it’s so worth it. plus, i just love the creative process. having said that, to be even more economical, you could make it with a mix of fresh and dried root.

super simple health-boosting turmeric tea :

turmerictea Continue reading

{happy birthday to me!}

22 Nov


looking forward to a healthy year… mind, body, and spirit.

i want to take a moment to sincerely thank you all for being a part of my life. for taking the time to read what i write, for enjoying my fotos, for your emails, your comments, your jokes, and your love. i appreciate every word and interaction and cherish each one dearly. some of you have been along for the ride since the very beginning… and it just means so much to me to have you here! ❤

{pink limes!}

15 Nov

i’m always super excited when i find a new fruit or vegetable to try. i found these pink limes at a natural food market over this past summer. so naturally, i couldn’t resist tasting and taking fotos of them!


on the outside, they are slightly different-looking than other limes…

they have some cool stripes going on a slight pink hue to them…



and on the inside… a DEFINITE pink hue!  so pretty! the flesh almost resembles a grapefruit!


of course, i added them to some sparkling water… which is so refreshing and delicious!

*nom nom, sip sip*

have you ever tried pink limes?!

food fun facts :

limes are full of vitamin c and can help support healthy cells and tissue. furthermore, these particular “pink” limes are sweeter than your average lime and look great in a spread or as a garnish… also, they would work fantastically as a zest!


{zen space}

7 Nov

oh, how i have missed blogging!  and i have missed interacting with my readers! i hope you all have been well and that life has been treating you with love and grace.

so much has happened this year {and last year} for me and although i would love to go into great detail about it all, after much consideration, i have decided to refrain.  i have been taking some time to journal some thoughts down and i think that will be a good way to release it all first. then, if i decide to share, i will.

it suffices to say that i have grown tremendously over the last 24 months and i sit here writing this post with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and relief! the past is in the past and i am here, now. although, the time is always now, you know?! if we are fully submersed in the moment, we are always in the now.  the past is behind us and we can’t change it and the future doesn’t even exist yet… so all we really have is now. and it is always NOW. i am {re}learning and remembering how crucial this simple truth is to keep in the forefront of our minds. it is far too easy to get caught up in other things and especially other thoughts.

and here at food and foto, we like to keep it as light-hearted as possible. or at least, as “positive” as possible. i have been thinking a lot about what we choose to focus on; what we allow our minds to be occupied with. and for me, it is extremely important to find a way to disconnect from our seemingly ceaseless thoughts… to find a zen space. and that doesn’t exactly have to be a physical place. although – it can be found in nature, in a park, in your bedroom, at a church… but basically, being “zen” is truly a state of mind. it has little to do with location.

however, it is true and i do find that some places bring me to a more “zen” feeling than others. for example, i did like living in the mountains and especially in the tiny home, as it was a life-changing experience… one that many people dream of. however, i never quite felt “zen” while i was there. at least, not like i do when i am near the ocean. i love listening to the sound of the waves as the water ebbs and flows… it reminds me to breathe in and breathe out. i love the smell of the salty air breezing through my hair… it reminds me to stay in touch with my intuition and appreciate the moment. i love sense of wonder and awe i feel for the unknown that lies beyond and beneath… it keeps me grounded and humble. truly, nothing makes me feel more zen than being near the ocean.

i am a water baby at my core and i basically believe i am {or was} a mermaid. therefore, i feel truly at home when i am near the vastness of the big blue. something about being around the water gives me a sense of peace like nothing else does. it is truly my zen space.

with all that said, i would like to share these fotos i took while visiting the atlantic ocean recently. i had a little fun playing around with some different filters. also, it’s pretty satisfying to be able to dip your toes in the warm sand in november!

beach-web-14beach-web-2beach-web-1 beach-web-3beach-web-4  beach-web-6 beach-web-8beach-web-7 beach-web-9beach-web-10 beach-web-11 beach-web-12beach-web-20beach-web-15beach-web-16 beach-web-17beach-web-18 beach-web-13

where do you find your zen space?!

{bell pepper guts}

8 Mar


what is it about the inside of vegetables that i find so INTRIGUING?!!? 😀

{soon-to-be sauce…}

5 Dec



{what goes great with oktoberfest beer?? — homemade sauerkraut!!}

23 Oct


ownin’ my german roots! 😉

i love love looooove making my own food. i especially love making things that are expensive to buy, but cheap to make. case and point : sauerkraut.

sauerkraut is one of my favourite things ever. it’s so good for you, and it’s been around for centuries… it’s one of those ancestral foods like homemade bone broth that has proven to be a staple for health in many ancient cultures for ages.

sauerkraut is FULL of healthy probiotics, which are essential for maintaining a healthy gut.

and it’s so super easy to make.


start by chopping up your cabbage, as thin as you want/can get it… i find it helps to quarter the cabbage first, then cut into strips. you want about 1.5 pounds per 1 tablespoon of salt. once that is complete, add it to a large bowl and begin “squishing” the cabbage and salt together using your hands.


this is another reason i love making sauerkraut – you get to play with your food! 😉 Continue reading

{fun facts about flavourful forbidden rice}

20 Jul


{colourful, too!!!}


fun facts about flavourful forbidden rice {also known as “black rice”}:

– it’s {drumroll, please}… gluten-free!!

– it’s rare {which to me, just immediately makes it cooler!}

– it is cultivated in small amounts – in its early days, was only harvested for the emperor {of china!}

– helps support a healthy heart and healthy cholesterol levels

– it’s rich in iron and offers a comprehensive range of amino acids

– it is much higher in protein and fiber than any of its cousins – brown, white, or purple

– makes a fun “risotto” or sticky pudding

is extremely fragrant and beautiful on a plate

gentler on the body, easier to digest than its cousins

– contains high levels of antioxidants {i mean, duh – look at that colour!}


you can find forbidden rice in health food stores or online. these days, you could probably even find it in your local grocery store, as i notice many of the mainstream chains are stocking more and more of this kind of thing as of late. 🙂


{“drink the rainbow” : berry-cream vitamix smoothie!}

16 Jul

it’s been a while since i’ve done a post about a vitamix smoothie!  however, it’s that time of year when i find myself wanting to eat a little less and drink a little more. the heat of the summer causes us to sweat out toxins and i find that my body craves the freshness of a cold fruit smoothie to help replenish vital minerals.


berry-cream vitamix smoothie : frozen blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and peaches, with fresh dates and coconut milk

do you sometimes do what i do?

…catch myself feeling guilty for not drinking more smoothies, so i’ll run out and buy a bunch of stuff to make them with, but then i don’t make nearly as many smoothies as i said i would, and those yummy ingredients go bad in the fridge. and nothing upsets me more than wasting food! {and money, for that matter!}

well, may i suggest something i do in order to avoid wasting precious resources?!  just keep canned or boxed coconut milk in the house and/or fridge! you can purchase coconut milk in aseptic {shelf-stable} containers. why coconut milk? well, i personally prefer coconut milk for the healthy fat content as well as the the fact that the coconut is pretty much one of the most amazing things on the planet! not only is coconut milk loaded with vitamins and minerals, it’s also great for your heart, your hair, your skin, your nails… shall i go on?! furthermore, i’ve created the habit of freezing any overripe fruits that i buy, and that way i always have the two main ingredients i need to make a smoothie!

of course, you can also add in spinach or kale to get a little extra vitamins and nutrients. for this concoction, i kept it pure and simple. just frozen blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and peaches blended with fresh dates and coconut milk. it’s light and fresh and only gently sweet. dates are nature’s candy! they are loaded with potassium and create a little sweetness without adding in unnecessary calories or sugar. and this smoothie is perfectly refreshing on a hot summer afternoon!

drink the rainbow!

{thirsty thursday : “plumango” vitamix smoothie}

10 Apr


“plumango” vitamix smoothie :

– 1 fresh plum

– 1/4 cup dried mango

– 1/4 organic banana

– 1/4 cup frozen cherries

– 1/4 cup fresh spinach

– 1 teaspoon flax seeds

– 1 cup almond milk


{a look inside my lunchbox…}

27 Mar

a look inside my {colourful} lunchbox :


– natural raw almonds

– fresh asparagus sauteed in olive oil

– large colourful salad w/ italian vinaigrette

– savory parmigiano reggiano baked chicken

– steamed zucchini medallions

– pastrami turkey strips and parm reggi chunks

– fresh organic strawberries


{i just love my laptop lunches bento box!} 😀

{a community post : who is my “health hero” – and please don’t think i’m egotistical}

24 Mar

how is everyone doing?  i hope your week is off to a beautiful start.  i have been feeling SO GOOD with the change in seasons rapidly approaching, and the evening light sticking around longer.  i just feel so much better when spring gets here.  i do believe i sometimes feel “SAD” – you know, “Seasonal Affective Disorder” – that is a definite real thing.  it was so dark and cold this winter {especially for colorado} and i struggled on some days to even get out of bed.

i received an email recently, asking if i wanted to participate in a new campaign on a new site that is dedicated to offering simple information regarding all things health-related. i tend to be a little hesitant with stuff like that, but after researching the company, i realized that it falls in line with my own values and so i was happy to connect with them.

american recall center is running a campaign titled “who is your health hero?” and i’ve been asked to write a post about just that. so, here we go…



this is where the second part of my blogpost title comes in – i am my own health hero.

Continue reading

{meatless mondays : colourful roasted mushrooms w/ veggie ribbons}

24 Mar


i noticed a few new followers have joined the fun – thank you and welcome!

in case you don’t know this about me, i love to eat anything with colour. i believe in living by the motto… well, a lot of “mottos” really – but one of them is “eat the rainbow.”  if your food has colour naturally, it is good for you!  this dish definitely meshes with that motto.  i whipped it up last week when i was doing a short veggie cleanse.  i just love mushrooms – do you?!

this is a great vegan dish, or a healthy random way to get in a ton of veggies all at once.  sometimes i’ll construct meals entirely of vegetables… this one i just made up on the spot, when inspired by the fresh-looking produce in the market.


simple ingredients : portabella mushrooms, zucchini, purple cabbage, shredded carrots.



i’m fascinated by the intricate insides of certain vegetables – like cabbage. Continue reading

{cherry sweet-tart vitamix smoothie}

22 Mar

i’m a little late on posting today – it’s snowing here in colorado… and, sigh – i’ll just go ahead and say it – i’m over it!  can we please be in spring now?!  i’m just dying to put on my sanuks and put away my wellies.

i’ve been making a smoothie every morning since we are ‘officially’ in spring now – but i admit it’s just not as satisfying first thing in the morning as a warm cup of coffee or tea.  but i’m determined to start cleansing my body out, preparing it for a different season, and lots of different veggies to compliment!

in the meantime, here’s another smoothie recipe.  i created this one in mind as more of an evening smoothie. tart cherries and tart cherry juice are good for insomnia, remember?!  i call it “sweet-tart” because i used sweet frozen cherries and tart cherry juice… and it turned out rather delicious!


cherry sweet-tart vitamix smoothie :

– frozen sweet cherries {1/2 cup}

– 3 frozen strawberries

– 3 frozen pineapple chunks

– 1 pitted date

– 1/2 cup coconut milk

– 1/2 cup tart cherry juice

{thirsty thursday – lovely lemon water}

20 Mar


a few reasons why lemon water is amazing :

– balances pH levels {although lemons do contain citric acid, our bodies metabolize them to be alkaline within – so cool, right?! lemons are actually one of the most alkalizing foods out there!}

– boosts metabolism {sure does!, not that i personally need that…}

– freshens breath {cool, huh?!}

– boosts vitamin C levels {yay immune system!}

– digestive aid {yay tummy!}

– helps clear skin {i particularly enjoy this fact – who doesn’t love to ‘glow’!}

– detoxifying {bye bye toxic mess!}

– energizing {WEEEEE!!!! i love lemon water!!!}

i drink a warm glass of lemon water immediately upon rising.  it’s my favourite new way to start my day.  i find it also encourages me to drink more water throughout my day… and in these high altitudes, that is extra important! 😀

so drink up {and down}!  when you drink water, it’s like your whole body says, “AHHHHH” 😛

{drink the rainbow : purple-ish antioxidant-rich vitamix smoothie!}

19 Mar


how’s that for a title?!

vitamix-ing {and really, smoothie-making in general} is all about experimenting.  sometimes you nail it. sometimes you don’t. more times than not, it turns out amazing… like in this case. 🙂

purple-ish vitamix smoothie :

– 1/4 cup frozen blackberries

– 1/4 cup frozen pineapple

– 1/4 cup red/purple cabbage

– 1 pitted date {for sweetness}

– 2-3 dehydrated apple wedges {i like to dehydrate stuff}

– 1/2 – 2/3 cup coconut milk

– splash of orange juice

– sprinkle in a little raw protein powder

and the fact that it tastes amazing is a huge bonus to how incredibly healthy and good for you it is!! 😀

check out that colour!!!