Tag Archives: summer

{love is love}

10 Jul

…and i love it! ❤

also, i love {tasteful} graffiti!

{strawberry full moon}

15 Jun

obviously i have a little theme going here, lately… 😉

all things strawberry!!!

upon waking {accidentally super early} this morning, i went down to the park and captured a few fotos of the beautiful full {strawberry} moon. while there, i made friends with a few ducks, and even finally got to see some baby ducklings for the first time this season!

please enjoy these lovely fotos!

i just love that gradient sky! good morning {and good night} moon! ❤

see the blue herring?!

i just love a pier on a summer morning…

mama and baby ducks… they followed me around for a bit… it was so cute!

baby ducklings splashing around…

aaahhhhhh, morning golden hour! the best!

how was your morning? have a great day!

{thirsty thursday – beer journal #1}

15 Jul

i enjoy eating and drinking seasonally…

for example, you’ll hardly catch me eating asparagus in the fall or winter. and on the same side of that coin, you’ll hardly catch me drinking a porter in the spring or summer. i like having foods and beverages to look forward each season. it feels fun and better overall for me and my lifestyle to eat and drink foods that are in season, and drink beverages that blend well with each season.

in the summer – i prefer to drink ales, lagers, and IPAs.

here are some recent beers i’ve tried that go well with the season.

a classic all-time fav

a clean northwest style lager

i’m a fan of this one because i love galaxy hops

love this bright pale ale with hints of ginger

citric pale ale with hints of kaffir lime

easy drinking golden ale perfect for summer

another fav of mine though i tend to drink it more in spring

highly complex flavour profile in this unique APA

{always look for the silver lining}

1 Jul

just a lil’ reminder 😉


and also, i had the best intentions of updating this blog more…

and i still do…

and i will again…

and i thank you all for your patience and for showing up, even when my presence is a little more vague and sporadic than usual as of late…

and it truly means so much to me that you continue to choose to follow along in my journey, and read my blog, and engage…


and i’m thinking of my sweet cousin tony today… ❤


and that is all… for now…

{a little fun at sunset}

15 Jul

where i live, there are many trees that often block the horizon line at sunset. i have been eager to get to a good vantage point in the evening to watch the sun setting.

recently i took a stroll with a friend at a park nearby that overlooks the city. it was a lovely summer evening and the hike to the top was worth it.

we captured a few images while also getting immersed in the beauty of the evening.

i love this picture because it looks like there is a line dividing the sky… do you see it?!

i love jumping shadow pictures.

fun times.

{summer’s final moon}

28 Aug

i just never tire of experiencing the ocean… the sight, the smell, the sound… the feeling, the energy all around!

i also never tire of experiencing the moon… equally as much wonderful energy to behold!

i went down to the shore over the weekend for some {much needed} vitamin sea and to admire and enjoy the ocean and the full moon. by the time i got to the beach, the moon was just coming up over the horizon… and some hazy clouds initially obstructed the view.

still… breathtaking, right?!

it wasn’t long before the moon peeked out of the ombre sky and shared her beauty with us one again, in her final appearance of summer.

i walked around for a good hour or so, gazing in wanderlust as the moon took place high in the sky, illuminating all it touched…

… listening to the crashing waves, my senses engaged with the salty air, my toes wiggling in the soft sand…

feeling humbled and grateful for all that has been before me and all that is around me now. for all that will be, for all that i am, for all that i have, and for all that i have yet to experience.

{foto friday : farmers market flowers}

15 Jun

just another reminder to stop and appreciate the flowers.

{solstice “prosperi-tea”}

22 Jun

hey gang, happy summer!

i hope you are enjoying the season, wherever you may be reading this.

here in colorado, it has been very hot… like in the high 90s and even 100 degrees! yesterday, to officially kick off summer, i walked to my local pool for a dip. it was the perfect way to welcome in the new season!

another fun thing i did to celebrate summer and the solstice, was make this beautiful solstice summer tea… or as i named it, “prosperi-tea” … cuz i’m cute and nerdy like that. plus, it sounded super magical.

the idea came from an online source that suggested putting various herbs and flowers in a pitcher and sitting it out in the sun during the day of solstice. here’s what i put in mine :

fresh lettuce leaves, pea shoots, roses, lilies, strawberries, succulent, snapdragon, various flower petals, mint, and tons of sage.



all of the ingredients came from my local community garden… the pea shoots and lettuce came from my plot! 😀

here is the finished product :


someone said to me, “it looks like perfume!” which made me giggle. in a way, it IS like perfume in that it is made from beautiful summer flowers! 🙂

this lovely “prosperi-tea” was so easy to make and it was delicious, too! it was light and soft and refreshing. i also love the colour it developed! i put a lot of love into this tea as well, which i believe makes a big difference! 😉 ❤


what did you do to ring in summer?


{a blue moon wedding!}

22 Aug

there were such beautiful and intimate moments at this wedding, that at one point – i almost forgot to keep taking pictures! i was completely enamored, what can i say?!  these two are such magnificent souls… and their love carries such an intense energy with it that EVERYONE could feel!

they decided to wed on the blue moon, just three weeks ago, this past july. it was just the most beautiful day and only 20 people were present for the ceremony… and so was blue moon, the yummy beer.


congratulations, a & a! ❤


{summer lovin’}

12 Aug

lots to love this summer!



eatin’ baked brie with caramelized onions, grapes, and strawberries…


watchin’ silly movies and dressin’ for random weather… 


servin’ farm-to-table meals…


margaritas… and sunglasses…


seein’ randomness… and plenty of beauty…


eatin’ dessert with beer and wearin’ new hats…


catchin’ rays and devourin’ tapas at happy hour…


random sunrises and… other things…


workin’ on puzzles… and completin’ them the same night 😉


eatin’ on the patio and watchin’ sunsets…


admirin’ the flowers and wearin’ them in my hair…


tryin’ new cocktails… and appetizers… 


and balancin’ that with lots of fresh summer veggies…

summerupdate082015-26summerupdate082015-25 summerupdate082015-27summerupdate082015-28

and these!…


takin’ selfies… and stayin’ true to me…


havin’ friends who are chefs!!!!… 


for real… i have some SUPER talented friends!!!!….


keepin’ an open eye… 


red lobster’s crabfest!… and the boozie drink they served me… it came with a sidecar of gran marnier… which, i was lovin’… and which also totally made me buy dessert! {key lime pie!}




fresh beer and BLTs… and coffee! 

and i’m lovin’ the fact that my hair is finally growin’!


what are YOU lovin’ about summer?!?!


{“drink the rainbow” : berry-cream vitamix smoothie!}

16 Jul

it’s been a while since i’ve done a post about a vitamix smoothie!  however, it’s that time of year when i find myself wanting to eat a little less and drink a little more. the heat of the summer causes us to sweat out toxins and i find that my body craves the freshness of a cold fruit smoothie to help replenish vital minerals.


berry-cream vitamix smoothie : frozen blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and peaches, with fresh dates and coconut milk

do you sometimes do what i do?

…catch myself feeling guilty for not drinking more smoothies, so i’ll run out and buy a bunch of stuff to make them with, but then i don’t make nearly as many smoothies as i said i would, and those yummy ingredients go bad in the fridge. and nothing upsets me more than wasting food! {and money, for that matter!}

well, may i suggest something i do in order to avoid wasting precious resources?!  just keep canned or boxed coconut milk in the house and/or fridge! you can purchase coconut milk in aseptic {shelf-stable} containers. why coconut milk? well, i personally prefer coconut milk for the healthy fat content as well as the the fact that the coconut is pretty much one of the most amazing things on the planet! not only is coconut milk loaded with vitamins and minerals, it’s also great for your heart, your hair, your skin, your nails… shall i go on?! furthermore, i’ve created the habit of freezing any overripe fruits that i buy, and that way i always have the two main ingredients i need to make a smoothie!

of course, you can also add in spinach or kale to get a little extra vitamins and nutrients. for this concoction, i kept it pure and simple. just frozen blueberries, blackberries, cherries, and peaches blended with fresh dates and coconut milk. it’s light and fresh and only gently sweet. dates are nature’s candy! they are loaded with potassium and create a little sweetness without adding in unnecessary calories or sugar. and this smoothie is perfectly refreshing on a hot summer afternoon!

drink the rainbow!

{meatless mondays : red quinoa with grape tomatoes, fresh corn, and black beans}

6 Jul


this {vegan} dish is totally protein-packed and nutrient-rich. i just love quinoa, don’t you?!


and did you know that quinoa is considered a complete protein… which means it contains all 9 essential amino acids. this makes it a wonderful protein-source for vegans. the black beans in this recipe add in healthy fiber, which is a great combination with the quinoa!


i can eat these grape tomatoes like candy!


and believe it or not, colorado boasts growing some of the best sweet corn in the US!

summer is for corn!!!! Continue reading

{‘merica tart}

4 Jul

lemon/vanilla-based tart with fresh berries and white chocolate rice “poppers”

aesthetics, humour, and deliciousness courtesy of the noshery cafe

photography, enjoyment, and consumption courtesy of yours truly.




{“you can learn a lot of things from the flowers…”}

27 Jun

… “especially in the month of june…”

{alice in wonderland}



my roommate brought these gorgeous flowers home from work recently and i gasped with glee when i laid eyes on them… then i immediately grabbed my camera, of course! actually, i waited until about 6:00 the next morning, then took them out on the balcony and sipped my iced americano while snapping images of these amazing beauties. i just love mornings… and i LOVE morning light… especially this time of year!

such pretty tulips, orchids, peonies, and greenery!

i am inspired by LIFE. not necessarily by the world, and the way we live, but by LIFE itself. these flowers are alive, just as we are. i was inspired by the stillness of these flowers, the stillness of nature… how nature just IS. the sole purpose of these flowers is to simply be. if anything, they just long for us to look at them, to bring awareness to them. and i believe when we “stop and smell the roses”, we can connect with them, with nature, in such a way that can offer stillness and peace to our own lives. after-all, i do believe we are just as much a part of nature as nature itself.

i love what eckhart tolle says about nature :

“Even a stone, and more easily a flower or a bird, could show you the way back to God, to the Source, to yourself. When you look at it or hold it & let it be without imposing a word of mental label on it, a sense of awe, of wonder, arises within you. Its essence silently communicates itself to you and reflects your own essence back to you.”

eckhart’s words resonated with me and i’ve carried them in my heart over the years. when i felt the glee i did upon seeing these flowers, i was reminded of that quote… and i thought i would post some pics of these gorgeous flowers along with some of my favourite quotes regarding stillness, spirituality, or love.

i hope you enjoy and i hope this brings some stillness to the mind and a warmth to the heart.


“the earth laughs in flowers.” ~ ralph waldo emerson


“the intuitive mind is a sacred gift, the rational mind is a faithful servant. we have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.~ albert einstein


“we need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. see how nature – trees, flowers, grass – grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… we need silence to be able to touch souls.” ~ mother teresa


“there is a voice that doesn’t use words… listen!” ~ rumi


“if we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” ~ buddha


“after women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world.” ~ christian dior 


“the best teachers are those who show you where to look but don’t tell you what to see.”                                      ~ alexandra k. trenfor


“yesterday i was clever, so i tried to change the world… today i am wise, so i am changing myself.” – rumi


“and when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.” – fredrich nietzsche 


“be kind whenever possible. it is always possible.” – dalai lama


enjoy the weekend! ❤



{happy summer solstice!}

21 Jun


{i’m lovin’ it…}

27 Sep


…this random hash with onion, garlic, potatoes, bacon, tomatoes, and kale.


…this. *giggle*


…subtle reminders.


…these $5 birks i scored at a thrift store in moab – never been worn!  


…fresh halibut – worth the splurge!


…fishin’ somewhere near paonia.


…creating farm-to-table meals with elk meatballs, wild boletus mushrooms, sauteed swiss chard, fresh salad.


…my new job.


…a perfect tomato from a friend’s garden.


…making wishes at the wishing tree.


…a beehive, right by my house!


…the fact that peach season is officially over… i enjoyed one final one for desert after the bronco game. 


…my tomatoes are finally taking off.


…tomato bounty!


…glowing sopris… {and the fact that it’s still been nice enough to even wear sandals!}

enjoy your weekend!

{super moon, tiny house}

9 Aug

{super moon, tiny house}

{a holiday throwback}

3 Jul

a little recipe from the archives – and a totally delicious way to celebrate the holiday!

enjoy the weekend, friends! 😎


happy independence day!

july 4th-themed red-white-and-blue sugar cookies 


independence day sugar cookies

{whatever wednesday : what i did on my summer vacation}

10 Jul

just some fotos from my little stay-cation last week.



…i know, right?!




oh, hi.  just enjoying a macchiato on the porch… Continue reading

{meatless mondays : vegfest colorado!}

8 Jul

heyyyy, hope you enjoyed the weekend and had a nice holiday!

my vacation isn’t quite over yet, but i wanted to share these fotos from vegfest this weekend…


…it totally poured like, 4 minutes after i got there.  hence, the super curly puff-ball of a fro on top of my head.  i kinda love it, though… i miss the humidity in a way, mostly because of how well my hair behaves with it – how silly is that. 😛


not as silly as this cool car i saw when i first walked in… Continue reading