Tag Archives: manhattan

{throwback thursday : manhattan henge}

13 Jul

apparently it’s manhattan henge time… i heard on TV that the big night was last night and tonight it will also be visible.

when i lived in new york, i didn’t think about the fact that you don’t really see sunsets. i guess it didn’t occur to me at the time… but after living in denver and seeing some of the most amazing sunsets ever, i started to realize that i don’t have very many memories of sunsets while i lived in the big city.

anyway, in honour of this twice a year event that happens in new york, i thought i would share these fotos for throwback thursday. i’m super grateful i actually got to experience this… for those of you that may be unfamiliar – only twice a year does the sun line up just perfectly in between the concrete jungle so that it sets right in between the buildings. one can only see this on 34th street, 42nd street, or 57th street… i think i fotographed these images from 34th…


{memories in manhattan – volume 3}

27 Mar

after my experience with the cute stranger on the subway, i quickly started to realize that my fondness of portraiture was beginning to grow rapidly. when i was in college, i never really wanted to fotograph people… my ambition was to work for a place like j.crew and fotograph flat lays on white seamless. i think i would still enjoy something like that, but my point is, i was totally intimidated at the thought of putting people in front of my camera. 

the ironic thing is, part of the reason i was able to save up some money to even move to new york, was due to fotographing some portraits for clients during the summer months while i was living in delaware with a friend. i took the train up to manhattan twice and was able to squeeze in a few sessions on long weekends and put that money toward my moving fund. i think it was during that summer that i really started to fall in love with portraiture. 

the following fotos were taking during one of my first portrait/headshot sessions upon moving to new york. the only person i really knew in the city at the time just happened to be a film-maker, and he knew lots of aspiring actors and actresses that were in need of good headshots. 

i met this lovely young lady in central park for our session. she is of french descent, and i just love her unique features. she was a natural in front of the camera, and it was during this session that i started to really fine-tune my creative portrait eye. 

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{memories in manhattan : volume one}

13 Mar

a little preface here :

i have been thinking about my experiences living in manhattan… i’ve been thinking about it a lot, in fact. i hope to make a trip up to the city in june, and so i have been mentally reflecting back on my time there.

i thought i would start writing about some of my experiences. i enjoy writing so much, and yet i don’t do it enough. i try to keep a journal, but my fingers just can’t keep up with my mind most of the time. i’m a much faster and better typer than i am a writer, which kind of makes me sad but also makes me thankful that i can take time to sit down and type out my thoughts when i need to. having said all that, i really wanted to start a series here on my blog which will highlight some of my favourite experiences living in the big apple. some of the stories may include fotos, some of them may not. i don’t have any expectations regarding this, but i do know it’s something i want to do.  and so to honour this desire of mine, i plan to update this collection of memories on mondays.

i thank you in advance for taking this journey with me, and enjoying these memories with me…

and without further ado, i present to you –

memories in manhattan : volume one

i’ll never forget pulling up to 20th street with the half-empty u-haul and seeing my new roommate standing on the curb with her friend and his dog. i can’t remember the dog’s name, but i’m sure ms. judy will refresh my memory if i ask her. i was so eager to meet her, as we had been exchanging emails back and forth for about a month. my boyfriend at the time was living in manhattan and had helped me land this living situation by visiting it prior to me moving there. i met my roommate, miss J, online when she responded to an ad i had placed looking for a roommate/apartment. it was so serendipitous to have her reach out to me, because i had struggled finding a place to live that was reasonably priced and met some of the requirements i had set for myself. of course, i wanted a safe living situation and preferred a female roommate. i also wanted something on manhattan island and i had a certain budget i didn’t want to bend on. ms. judy met all my requirements and she even shared her name with my mother, which i found to be a fantastically sweet nod from the universe. 

i opened the truck door and stepped my foot onto the concrete jungle for the first time, looking up in awe at the trees all around me. it was the 1st of october, and the trees were ripe with a rainbow of colours and the air had a crispness to it that i wish i could bottle up. i took a deep breath and immediately reached out my arms to greet ms. judy. she gave me a warm embrace and proceeded to kiss me on one cheek, then the other. she pulled back a little and said, “in new york, we kiss.” my soul felt a warmth i was unfamiliar with and to this day has not been duplicated. her friend and neighbour then introduced himself and his sweet pooch, both of which i hugged {and ‘new york kissed’}. 

i fell in love with my neighbourhood immediately. the tree-lined street just off the east river had been built shortly after WW2 and was one of the only “complexes” in manhattan. it was tucked away just far enough off the bustling streets to feel like its own personal city full of park benches, fountains, and lots of greenery! right below our apartment was the most perfect little bodega that ms. judy and i strolled into shortly after unloading my things to grab some pizza for dinner. everyone working there knew her by name. the place was packed with just about every kind of goodie one could imagine. it became quickly apparent that this was going to be a place i would frequent – all hours of the day. 

although i remember those very first moments of arriving in new york city, i do not remember much else about that day. my room was already furnished, so it didn’t take me too long to unpack. i had been downsizing my things prior to moving to NYC, and so by the time i arrived, i had packed and unpacked so much it was like a science. 

i do remember the following few days… i pulled out my brand new camera that i had recently bought with money i received from selling my car. it was 2008 and digital cameras were much more expensive at the time than they are now. it was my ambition to make that happen, and sure enough, i did. 

ms. judy had given me lots of information about the neighbourhood, and in true audrey form, i had done a lot of research on the area as to {somewhat} know what to expect. i stepped out into the cobblestone-lined walkway just outside of our building and i began snapping fotos.

i think this was one of the first pictures i ever took in new york : 

my first foto in nyc

i was still a somewhat budding photographer at the time, and looking back at some of the first images i took in new york makes me kind of giggle – as i can now see how much i’ve grown as a photographer and artist.  Continue reading

“manhattan knocks” – a foto series by audrey michelle

24 May

New York CityNew York City

New York CityNew York City

New York City

New York CityNew York City

New York City

New York CityNew York City

{travel tuesday : manhattan bokeh}

8 Apr

New York City

will i alway miss new york this much?!?!


{missing new york}

14 Jan
view from the top of a sky-rise near 57th and 10th

view from the top of a sky-rise near 57th and 10th

a random  retail window in the lower east side

a random boutique-store window in the lower east side

a snowy doorway

a snowy doorway




{travel tuesday – “gotham city”}

12 Nov

i miss new york.

and according to wikipedia – this is the approximate location of batman’s hideout… give or take a few blocks… we were practically next door neighbours!  {as all of us superheros are ;)}

New York City

{some random favourite fotos from new york city}

7 Aug

will i always miss new york this much?!?!!

sigh. i’m reminiscing now through fotos…

New York City

diggin’ the contrast here… in a few senses of the word…

New York City

just love this one. Continue reading

{lady liberty via sail boat}

26 Jul

i feel blessed to have had this experience.  i remember the night very well… and i cherish the memories of being on a sailboat, in the hudson river, at sunset, drinking wine and photographing beautiful people and things. it was just an absolutely magnificent night.

Audrey Michelle Photography

t’was a foto-worthy, clear night, as well – perfect for sailing! 🙂

Audrey Michelle Photography


Audrey Michelle Photography

tiny little island with infinite possibilities…. i miss you, manhattan!

enjoy the weekend, ya’ll! 

{foto friday – i miss this hair, this moment, and this part of lower manhattan}

28 Jun

missing new york and hair long-enough to pull in a ponytail…


i’ll get there soon… it’s growing sort of fast{ish}… okay not really at all.  and i hate to blame it on colorado but i do… my hair always behaves funny here and it’s nothing like my east-coast hair…

whatever… sigh.

and on that note, have a great weekend!  mercury is retrograde, in case you didn’t know… there is lots of information out there for those of you interested in reading more… just do a search.  and be patient as you may encounter delays as per the very essence of MR.  even as i typed this blog, my keyboard kept freezing up.  and my music was skipping… haha.

one day i’ll talk about how i was born under MR.  it’s rare, as am i… and usually i can articulate myself a little more effectively when mercury is slowing down for those few weeks every 4 months…

aaannnyway, enjoy the weekend!! 🙂

{foto friday – makes me think of summer romance}

21 Jun

i’ve been feelin’ the heat of the summer, the passion of the sun, and just a little extra frisky lately…

makes me think of summer romance… since it is the summer solstice and all 😉


this was one romantic night in ol’ nyc…


i remember it clearly…

have a great {romantic} weekend, xxoo

{messages from manhattan – “wake up!”}

17 May

i’ve decided to start something new – a “feature” on my blog.  i’m going to call it “messages from manhattan” and it will showcase fotos of various sayings or quotes or the like that i noticed and fotographed all over the city during the time i lived there…

here’s one of my all time favs :

New York City

wake up!  and have a great weekend.


{missing NYC – cherry blossoms, the perfect portrait accessory}

26 Apr

i’m reminiscing about brisk spring foto shoots in central park like the one with this beautiful couple from singapore…

Cecylia and Sub

cherry blossoms just reek of spring – quite literally! 😉

and i think we are finally entering spring here in colorado – even though it’s doubtful i’ll see any of these here!  warmer temps are expected for our weekend, though – and i look forward to going for a walk by the lake, working in the garden, and having a smoothie outside on the patio.  i hope yours is filled with warmer temps also – among other delicious things!

{missing new york!}

19 Apr

i mean, in a way i always will miss new york.  there’s just no place on earth quite like it… and i miss all the cool doors i would always see…

New York City

New York City

Continue reading

{missing NYC – international pillow fight day!}

9 Apr

yes, there is such a thing. it happened this past weekend, on the 6th.

one year, i fotographed it.

New York City

super excited.

New York City

spectators from above…

New York City

cameras everywhere!

New York City

pillows everywhere! Continue reading

{foto friday} — portrait friday!

15 Feb

i decided – i don’t showcase enough of my “work” — i believe i am a relatively amazing portrait fotographer.  in case you’ve never seen my portrait work, click here.

i wanted to share some of my favourite portrait sessions over the years and also share new ones as they are discovered… and this collection is for sure one of my favourites. she’s so spunky! love her pink stripe… and the yummy lighting that day on our romp through lower manhattan around sunset…

New York City

New York City

New York City Continue reading

{travel tuesday} — enchanting rooftop at dusk

15 Jan

well, you may have guessed this would be another blog about new york city…  i can’t believe it’s been a year and a half since i moved… i miss it lots in some ways, but i also know it was the right thing to do to move when i did.  i love to reminisce about my days in the big apple because sometimes i take for granted just how incredible that experience was. i feel i don’t always appreciate myself or the experience enough… not to mention, all the awesome images i captured while there!

this collection is a special one.  when i look through it, i can very easily be whisked away to this very enchanting night.  the ambiance, the dinner that was prepared for me, the dessert, too!, the sky, the brisk air, the moonrise, the way i felt… so vividly i remember it. the very last foto in this blog encompasses the whole evening.  but please be patient and scroll through all of them first 😉

thanks for sharing this with me…

New York City

i always loved the fire escapes in the city… Continue reading

{foto friday} — a choiceless choice.

21 Dec


happy new year! — xxoo



{whatever wednesday} — these are a few of my favourite things…

19 Dec

i love doors.  i especially love to fotograph doors.  my love for them was discovered during my days living and working in manhattan, wandering aimlessly through the streets with my camera, snapping away… so many doors… so many stories behind them… so many opportunities around represented in each one… i love and miss that place, and always will.

The Village Continue reading

{foto friday} – love is always the appropriate reaction

16 Nov

i feel like KISSing today.  Keeping It Seriously Simple.

i have a long weekend and week ahead of me.  i am working straight through to my birthday, which coincidentally happens to be on thanksgiving this year.  i plan to cook a feast for myself and meditate under my stars all night.  i’m kind of weird… even though i work in the public and enjoy helping others, i’m actually quite a loner and am extremely introverted… so it’s totally okay 🙂

anyway… i feel really good lately and even though this is true, i do realize not everyone is so “zen” during the holidays, and therefore i’m trying to remember this simple truth over the next week :

i saw this on a building once when strolling through the lower east side of manhattan.  i obviously had to take a picture.  two days later i walked that same block and it had been painted over.  i still have it as my screen saver on my phone and i try to live by this rule every day.  it’s such a simple truth, and i find that when i react to situations with love, with only the highest version of myself, things are just better. the world needs more love.  it’s part of our “job” here, to spread the love that we ARE… in fact, it’s the only reason we are here.
