Tag Archives: produce

{farmers market turmeric root}

6 Jan



have you ever seen turmeric root like this before?

i was fascinated when i spotted this at my local farmer’s market. when i go to visit, there is one stand in particular that i like to frequent. the lady who owns it is so sweet and always has a ton of good information on her products and she is always willing to answer my and all of my questions. it seems that the prices for produce at farmers’ markets are sometimes half the price of grocery stores or health food markets, which is just another reason why i love to support the farmers!!!

a few other reasons i choose to put my money into farmers markets are as follows : accessibility, freshness, availability, integrity, seasonality, friendliness, knowledge, willingness, and as i mentioned, affordability.

i had never seen turmeric root in this form, and i couldn’t wait to pick some up to take fotos of. sometimes i’ve seen parts of it broken off into larger and smaller pieces, but not in a huge chunk like this. i have been wanting to incorporate turmeric into my diet more frequently, particularly because i have been experiencing some pain in my elbow lately. and as you may know, turmeric is known for having anti-inflammatory properties. i am hoping that by consuming turmeric regularly, the pain in my elbow will substantially subside.

i thought it would be fun to share these fotos of turmeric, since it is so intriguing to look at! check out all the ‘knobs’ and ‘nodules’ and the funny/fascinating shapes it takes on and how it forms that way. i love all root vegetables, and when i find something in its natural state, i get even more excited about it. did you catch that cool post about ginger-root? i just love going to the farmer’s market and i one day hope to have a nice big garden in my backyard, as to grow lots of wonderful food. i basically want to be a farmer.

one of the things i’ve been doing with turmeric lately is making tea, which i am just loving! have you ever tried turmeric tea? i have been wanting to try it for so long now, but as with anything “new,” i tend to get intimidated until i actually just go for it! and i’m so glad i finally did! i made some tea with this beautiful chunk of turmeric, and i loved it so much that i wanted to share the recipe.

you can usually find fresh turmeric at health food stores. or if you have access to one, check at your local farmers market, as well. some of my research has discovered that you can also use the ground spice to make turmeric tea, however i prefer the fresh stuff. it’s definitely more time-consuming, but for me, it’s so worth it. plus, i just love the creative process. having said that, to be even more economical, you could make it with a mix of fresh and dried root.

super simple health-boosting turmeric tea :

turmerictea Continue reading

{pink limes!}

15 Nov

i’m always super excited when i find a new fruit or vegetable to try. i found these pink limes at a natural food market over this past summer. so naturally, i couldn’t resist tasting and taking fotos of them!


on the outside, they are slightly different-looking than other limes…

they have some cool stripes going on a slight pink hue to them…



and on the inside… a DEFINITE pink hue!  so pretty! the flesh almost resembles a grapefruit!


of course, i added them to some sparkling water… which is so refreshing and delicious!

*nom nom, sip sip*

have you ever tried pink limes?!

food fun facts :

limes are full of vitamin c and can help support healthy cells and tissue. furthermore, these particular “pink” limes are sweeter than your average lime and look great in a spread or as a garnish… also, they would work fantastically as a zest!



{it’s asparagus season!}

20 Apr


{bloomin’ onion}

16 Apr

food is alive!!!


{cherry season!}

14 Jul


cherries are so good for your heart, your muscles, your skin, and a myriad of ailments. they are in prime season right now – go out and grab some!

nom nom!

{“jimmy nardello” sweet peppers}

18 May

i think these are so beautiful!!! i just love the interesting shapes they take on…



and did you know red peppers are loaded with vitamin c?!?!  😀

{eat the rainbow : purple sweet potatoes}

11 Dec


i get super excited when i see a rainbow on my plate. it just makes me happy to eat COLOUR!  and these wonderful bright purple sweet potatoes please both the palate and the eye.


i love how they grow in weird shapes, too.

have you ever had a purple sweet potato? i was first introduced to them many years ago at whole foods, as they tend to get the “cool” produce a lot. since then i have been seeing them in mainstream supermarkets and grocery stores, as well. unlike purple potatoes, these do not lose colour when you cook them.  in fact, they get BRIGHTER! it’s the coolest thing. Continue reading

{flowers for brunch}

26 Oct


and why not?! 😉

along with adorable pansies – tulips, sunflowers, and even orchids – are some of nature’s edible flowers.

cool, huh?! ❤

{foto friday : “snake melon”}

17 Oct


have you ever seen such a thing?  i sure hadn’t… but thanks to my awesome new job, i have been exploring all kinds of new produce.  this is called a “snake melon” but also formally known as an “armenian cucumber.”  the one i bought looks kind of like a question mark… yeah?

these interesting melons can grow up to 3-feet long!  and did you know that all cucumbers are melons?!  i sure didn’t.  something else new i learned, recently.  makes sense, though – right?!



this cucumber was more like a melon, for sure.  had a similar texture to an english cucumber, but with a little less “crispness” and a much sweeter flavour.  not too sweet, but noticeably different than a regular cucumber.  i totally chowed down on some!  i hope you all get the chance to, as well!  😉

{september bounty – eat the rainbow!}

19 Sep


between farmer’s markets, my new job, and cool new people in my life – i’m one blessed {and grateful!} lady!  ❤

{speaking of peaches…}

14 Sep


…what is it with things growing together lately?!  😉

{cool as a cucumber}

30 Aug

cool as a cucumber



{beautiful and colourful cherry tomatoes}

13 Aug


i can’t seem to get enough of these gorgeous locally-grown organic and adorable cherry tomatoes, lately…

i fotograph and write about these amazing little gems all the time… i just think they are so beautiful!  and they are so incredibly delicious! so flavourful and juicy! i just pop ’em in my mouth like candy… nature’s candy!

nom nom…


and i put them in everything – my salads, my risotto, my frittatas, my sauces, my {awesome} zucchini strips


these little red ones look kinda like strawberries… teehehe



{whatever wednesday : wild wild raspberries from the wild wild west}

6 Aug

i think it’s so cool that so many things grow wild up here… asparagus, morel mushrooms…

…and raspberries!




4 Aug


sometimes i feel like these mushrooms… totally divided.

{exploring new produce : temple oranges}

24 Jul


when out at the market, i always browse the organic produce for anything new and exciting to blog about and eat. this brightly coloured citrus caught my eye and so i nabbed them up to try…


i’m a poet and didn’t know it! 😉 Continue reading

{awesome artichokes}

9 Jul

i just find artichokes to be fascinating and beautiful…






{meatless mondays : a simple spring recipe – creamy bok choy with sauteed garlic scapes}

14 Apr


have you ever used garlic scapes?! they are also referred to as “green garlic”…


first of all – how fun and wild-looking are they?!  …reminds me of my hair in the mornings 😛

you can start to find them popping up in some specialty stores, organic grocers, and maybe even at a farmer’s market…if you’re lucky to live where you can shop at one now!


i just love garlic scapes!  they are not nearly as strong as garlic itself, and provide a fun texture to a dish. the “scapes” are the “flower stalks” of the plant, and are typically pruned or discarded in gardening practices.  however, this foodie knows better and has learned that they can be an amazing substitute for garlic itself. Continue reading

{my fascination with vegetable guts…}

27 Mar


…i don’t really know what else to say about it…


{glorious golden beets}

25 Mar

another beautiful piece of produce i picked up at the cutest organic store in town….


have you ever had golden beets?!  i just loooooove them!  i am pretty sure you can keep the skin on – so long as you scrub it pretty thoroughly.  i just peel mine.  these were so cute and little!


love the colour!


i usually just steam mine.  i find them to be so delicious, i don’t even add any S and/or P.  i think they have the most unique flavour. i just love to put them in salads or just munch on them alone… so good! beets are loaded with vitamins and minerals and they are just an all around amazing vegetable!