Tag Archives: whatever wednesday

{fried green tomatoes}

1 Oct

happy october!  are you loving the fall colours where you live?! this is my favourite time of year – i just love autumn!  it’s also when i was born, so i feel most alive during this season.  i’ve also been feeling very lethargic and sleepy… but i suppose that just comes with the change in season and light.  i kind of wish i could just hibernate all winter… snuggle with callee more and eat tons of comfort food.

i’ve been wanting to make fried green tomatoes for a while now… what, being born in the south and all, it only seemed fitting.  i can’t believe i had never tried to make them before!  have you?!  when i spotted these perfect tomatoes, i was inspired and excited. so – i practiced the KISS method :




and beautiful.


AND delicious!!!!

i fried my green tomatoes in real sweet cream butter after slicing them about 1/3 inch thick, then dipping them in flour, then egg, then bread crumbs with a little S&P.  i finished the ‘maters off with a topping of freshly-grated parmigiano reggiano. super simple, super easy, and super yummy!

{ocean clouds}

17 Sep


when i walked out my door the other morning and saw these clouds, i literally stopped in my tracks and exclaimed, “what the —- {bleep!}!?!” i ran inside to grab my {old, but still working} camera, but the fotos don’t really do it justice.



it was as if the sky had become the ocean.  the clouds looked like waves crashing on the shoreline.  it was both eerie and awesome. and during editing, i had a little fun with the colours…



this just makes me miss the ocean, even more.  and it makes me want to be closer to the water, even more.  a plan i am working on making a reality very soon.

{beautiful and colourful cherry tomatoes}

13 Aug


i can’t seem to get enough of these gorgeous locally-grown organic and adorable cherry tomatoes, lately…

i fotograph and write about these amazing little gems all the time… i just think they are so beautiful!  and they are so incredibly delicious! so flavourful and juicy! i just pop ’em in my mouth like candy… nature’s candy!

nom nom…


and i put them in everything – my salads, my risotto, my frittatas, my sauces, my {awesome} zucchini strips


these little red ones look kinda like strawberries… teehehe



{whatever wednesday : wild wild raspberries from the wild wild west}

6 Aug

i think it’s so cool that so many things grow wild up here… asparagus, morel mushrooms…

…and raspberries!



{awesome artichokes}

9 Jul

i just find artichokes to be fascinating and beautiful…






{things i’m loving right now – bath sand}

12 Apr


this was a christmas gift from my awesome landlord/neighbour and i’ve been super enjoying it during this winter and spring longest season ever.


it’s been so relentlessly cold here… dark, cold, snowy, damp… did i mention cold?

nothing warms my bones like a hot salt bath.  we all know how much i luuuurrve himalayan pink salt, and i do sometimes throw it in my warm bath water. but since i have had these wonderful {hand-made} bath sand satchels, i have been using them to soak in lots of healing from the powerful dead sea salts and essential oils these adorable packages are filled with.


i just love salt; it has amazing healing properties in so many ways.

sometimes nothing will comfort me like a hot salt bath. to detox the skin, the body, the pores, the aches and pains… and what i love about these great little packages is how my skin feels when i leave the water… so super soft and smooth, and smelly-good, too! 😉 ❤

{whatever wednesday : crazy clouds}

9 Apr





{himalayan pink salt}

2 Apr


i love himalayan pink salt.


i love to cook with it, eat with it…


bathe with it, pray with it…


it’s one versatile salt!  {and i happen to be somewhat of a connoisseur.} 😉

what makes himalayan pink salt extra special other than the awesome flavour, is its extremely high mineral content.  this stuff is very high in… well, practically everything!



12 Mar


{whatever wednesday – the dark side of snow : volume two}

12 Feb

continued from last week


isn’t this wild?!?!  sunken evil snow creature emerges… aaaaaahhhhh!!!



love the gradient effect…


literally a “mountain” of snow…

{snow-covered aspen}

5 Feb


“go spend time with the aspen trees.  they’ll tell you how it works.  they’ll tell you to look to your roots for energy.  they’ll tell you there’s warmth beneath the surface.”  – kaya mclaren


{whatever wednesday – “the dark side of snow” : volume one}

29 Jan


walking through the filthy snow-packed hills during x-games this weekend, i became inspired… and thus, i have begun working on an actual artistic series called “the dark side of snow” 😉

i’ve been taking my camera with me to fotograph such things, but i wanted to share these few i snapped with my iphone.  do you ever stop to look at the details these old and dirty piles of snow create?! between the melting and re-freezing and various winds and plow trucks, snow forms from fluffy white flakes into slushy mixed-coloured mounds and stark white turns pitch black. it transforms from graceful to treacherous, from beautiful to ugly, from light to dense, from snow to something else entirely…



by the way, it’s almost time for mercury to go retrograde again… 😉

{whatever wednesday – sometimes i just take pictures of pretty vegetables…}

22 Jan


even though we have a ways to go yet before it’s in season…


i’m totally craving asparagus lately…


and sometimes i just take pictures of produce… in case you haven’t noticed 🙂

watching me at the grocery store in the produce section is pretty hilarious, no doubt.  i take a long time to pick out my vegetables, mostly knowing that i’ll eventually have them in front of a camera… so i like them to be pretty 😉

happy wednesday!

{whatever wednesday – adjusting to my small kitchen}

11 Dec

hey friends.


{i just want to preface this by taking a moment to express my gratitude to the Universe for being ALIVE and well.  i had quite a scare last week and it has given me a whole new perspective on life…} 

as you may have noticed, i haven’t been writing as much over the last few weeks. i plan to update you on my life very soon… there have been even more changes 😉  but i haven’t been creating as many recipes lately.  for a few reasons, really… but fret not, creating and cooking and fotographing will recommence very soon.

part of it is becoming acclimated in my new mini kitchen.  as a reminder, this is what i’m working with :


i LOVE my tiny home, don’t get me wrong… i’m just trying to find my niche and the best way to cook as i fotograph… it is somewhat of a challenge right now. a few final changes are coming together in the kitchen, i just need to start coming up with recipes again. Continue reading


{whatever wednesday – i love this door… and this foto of it.}

6 Nov


{whatever wednesday – some colourful and random fotos from my second home, NYC}

21 Aug

New York City

typical me – hiding behind the lense…

New York City

cool colourful door in the lower east side…

New York City

hilarious air-conditioner art…

iPhone Pics

cool colourful and practical! Continue reading

{i don’t remember exactly what i put in this vitamix smoothie…}

17 Jul

…but it was still delicious!


and pretty! …


it appears to be berries, spinach, dates, coconut milk, flax… i feel like i’ve made this one before?! Continue reading

{whatever wednesday} — spencer the snowman

27 Feb

i mean, what else do you do with 16 inches of snow?!


i gotta say – it was fun to act like an 8-year old again.  and listen, it’s not quite as easy as i remember to make one of these frosty friends!

have a great day! 🙂

{whatever wednesday} — my favourite testimonial

20 Feb

a friend of mine posted some testimonials on her blog recently… and a couple of them were so touching that it got me thinking about just how much of a difference it makes for me as an artist when someone truly appreciates what it is i do.  we ALL feel that way, no doubt – about whatever it is we do that people notice, appreciate, and respect.

the more i fine-tune what it is i am best at and the more i discover who i sincerely am, the more i realize that when we are ALL able to truly be ourselves, with no judgement or fear of rejection, the more we can ALL do what we do best and be mutually respected, appreciated, and noticed for it.

having said all that, i was inspired to share my favourite testimonial someone once wrote for me.  i had the pleasure of working with this lovely man on a brisk fall romp through lower manhattan.  we shot over 500 photos and about a dozen wardrobe changes in 3 hours.  david homyk is a true gentleman, a doll.  hilarious and charming, open and endearing.  we worked on several images for an online magazine story about david’s music.  he has since gone on to do such amazing things with his career and i am just honoured to have had the pleasure of creating some amazing editorial portraits with him.  and i mean, it’s not just because he’s a total babe :

David Homyk

“leave it to audrey, she is a master at capturing the authenticity of the moment where the human spirit is available in its entirety…”

david homyk, singer/songwriter/model/actor, new york city Continue reading

{whatever wednesday} — because i need to laugh more

13 Feb

these crack me up!





oh yeah… Continue reading