Tag Archives: beer

{thirsty thursday – beer journal #1}

15 Jul

i enjoy eating and drinking seasonally…

for example, you’ll hardly catch me eating asparagus in the fall or winter. and on the same side of that coin, you’ll hardly catch me drinking a porter in the spring or summer. i like having foods and beverages to look forward each season. it feels fun and better overall for me and my lifestyle to eat and drink foods that are in season, and drink beverages that blend well with each season.

in the summer – i prefer to drink ales, lagers, and IPAs.

here are some recent beers i’ve tried that go well with the season.

a classic all-time fav

a clean northwest style lager

i’m a fan of this one because i love galaxy hops

love this bright pale ale with hints of ginger

citric pale ale with hints of kaffir lime

easy drinking golden ale perfect for summer

another fav of mine though i tend to drink it more in spring

highly complex flavour profile in this unique APA

{thirsty thursday – octoberfest time!}

12 Oct

hey friends!

it’s been a while… and i have lots to fill you in on. for now, i wanted to share some of my favorite beers with you. i’m discovering more all the time, as north carolina has some great microbrews!

although you can catch me drinking sam adams’ octoberfest beer pretty much all the way through thanksgiving, i have a few other kinds of beers i like to drink this time of year…

flying dog does a great belgian-style IPA, which helps me transition from summer to fall…

this was an interesting ale… i haven’t seen it since this one time i tried it…

Continue reading

{it’s national beer day!}

7 Apr

i admit i am kind of disappointed in myself that i only just discovered this as of 9:07 a.m. this morning… but i will be making sure to celebrate later today! 🙂

in honour of this awesome holiday, i thought i would share some fotos of some of my favourite beers i have tried. i tend to drink beer the way i eat food – seasonally and liberally, haha.

but seriously, i like to “drink the rainbow” and i will drink beers that correlate with the seasons.

for example, now that we are in spring, i have been letting go of the darker beers and transitioning into lighter beers like wheats, belgians, and saisons. in summer you will catch me drinking IPAs, lagers, and occasional pilsners. in autumn i like my reds and of course, can’t get enough of oktobetrfests. and then when winter rolls back around i’ll divulge in browns, porters, and stouts.

i hope you enjoy! drink the rainbow! 😉

and, ya know, drink responsibly!! 

although it’s not quite time for this summerfest beer, it is one of my all-time favourite beers! it’s so clean and crisp and refreshing and has a lovely finish. this lager is very easy to drink, particularly while chillin’ on the porch and enjoying the sunset. sierra nevada is also one of my all-time favourite breweries and i’ve read online they are known for having very clean water, which is very appealing to me.

i look forward to seeing this back on the shelves.

belgain witbiers have a soft spot in my heart and belly… they were the “gateway” beer for me, once i first put down the boring bottles and opened up my palate to microbrews. i love the refreshing fruitiness of a witbier! “ZON” {meaning “sun”} has a hint of coriander and a low amount of alcohol and makes this one easy to drink – like orange juice! a very pleasing brew from the missouri-based boulevard brewing company.

although this isn’t a “red,” it has a beautiful red colour. i haven’t had this one in a while, but i remember thinking it was very interesting. “raging bitch” is a belgian-style IPA, which has interesting and complex features, as you can imagine. i am a fan of flying dog brewery, but this one is rather strong {8.3%} and it’s way more of a sipping brew, for me. delicious, nonetheless… and it pairs well with spicy food. of course, i’m a fan of flying dog brewery, since they are based in maryland.

i also happen to love the bizarre cartooning on the label.

this is a great nut brown ale! it’s well-balanced and has tremendous drinkability. not too sweet, not to bitter – it’s just right. ska brewing company has fun marketing, and they are based out of a small mountain town in colorado. i haven’t tried too many of their other beers, but this one is a go-to if/when i can find it.

ohhh, lagunitas. so full of diversity and flavour… and ABV!

seriously, the brews they come up with over there in california are super-duper strong and therefore i also enjoy sipping them… i have to watch myself because those kinds of beers will go to my head rather quickly!

undercover” is a nice and malty ale with a boozy undertone, thanks to the 9.6% ABV. it’s a beautiful colour and for some funny reason, i like drinking it while i’m munching on pickles.

new belgium is my all-time favourite brewing company. my affinity for them dates back to 2006 when i reached out to the company and had the most pleasant interaction with one of the staff members, via email. the employee-owned colorado company comes up with some of the most unique flavour combinations and i love to support their “green” mission.

giddy-up” does not disappoint in the “unique combinations” arena. brewed with espresso and lemon peel, this medium ale packs a power punch of flavours.

who doesn’t love chocolate and peanut butter?!

put that combination together in a beer, and i’m happy as a clam. i discovered this limited edition chocolate peanut butter imperial porter shortly after moving to north carolina. this state has some funny liquor laws, but one of the benefits of it, is you can drink a beer in beer stores. they also sell a lot of “single serving” beers, so it’s fun to create your own 6-pack and sample stuff you may have never tried… which i did when purchasing this beer from horny goat brewery in wisconsin {ha – that name!}

it’s pretty much as delicious as it sounds and makes for a perfect after-dinner brew, as it basically tastes like dessert.

the ultimate “dessert beer” for me – at least until i discover something that replaces it – is this decadent porter from saranac brewing company out of new york.

i will mention, it is extremely sweet. you’ll want to drink more than one, but for me, one is enough because of the sweetness. and this brew literally tastes exactly like a s’more… it’s kind of mind-blowing. hints of graham cracker, chocolate, and even marshmallow make your palate do a happy-dance.

what are some of your favourite beers?


{thirsty thursday – oktoberfest : from sierra nevada!!!}

1 Oct


it’s that time of year!

don’t you just LOVE autumn?!

the colours, the crisp air, the leaves falling, the clothing, the smell of pumpkin everywhere…


and it’s the time of year during which the only beer i’ll be drinking is oktoberfest! {pretty much}

and usually i’m sippin’ on some sam adams, cuz i just love that stuff. but i literally squealed with excitement when i discovered this sierra nevada oktoberfest!


i’m somewhat obsessed with sierra nevada. however, i only recently starting drinking their beers… and my goodness are they ahh-mazing!

a friend of mine told me that sierra nevada has been tested/known for their extremely clean water… and in my opinion, this greatly effects the taste of their brews. i don’t know quite how to explain it, but there is something distinguishably different about sierra nevada beer, and not just this wonderful oktoberfest. it makes sense to me that it could have something to do with the natural cleanliness and quality of their water.


furthermore, i love SN’s oktoberfest because it was brewed in collaboration with an old-school 19th century german brauhaus, using their recipe!!! the brewery is one of the oldest in the country… and i mean, it doesn’t get much more authentic than that!

and this stuff tastes incredible!

sierra nevada claims this is a ONE TIME ONLY release – so get your hands and taste-buds on some as soon as you can!



are you a sierra nevada fan?! and if so, do you agree with my theory regarding their water?!


{thirsty thursday : new belgium’s pumpkick brew!}

17 Sep


it’s just around the bend… that wonderful feeling in the air, as summer transitions to autumn… this is, afterall, my favourite time of year… and i humbly and somewhat eagerly welcome the change of seasons {both literally – in nature, and figuratively – in my own life} as i toast with a yummy, beautiful brew — pumpkick, from new belgium… and goodness, they sure know what they’re doing when it comes to beer!

and i’m slowly learning what i’m doing when it comes to life…




{burger lettuce wraps}

7 Aug


i love finger food. therefore, i love lettuce wraps.

i’m all about lettuce wraps these days. i feel like it’s my favourite new way to eat things – especially in the summertime!  i find that during the warmer months, i tend to want to eat “lighter” foods, and lettuce wraps fit the bill perfectly!


also, sometimes i just don’t care for the heaviness of bread or sandwiches. i mean, don’t get me wrong… i’m an east-coast girl at heart and i love my sub sandwiches from the local deli! however, as i said – when it’s hot like it’s been here {in the upper 90’s}, i feel like my body simply wants lighter fare… and so i willingly oblige.

PLUS – the waistline seems to appreciate it when i skip the bread 😉

i made these “burger wraps” the other day when i was craving a burger but didn’t have time, energy, or the grill to make a burger with. so, i improvised. what i love about lettuce wraps is they can be utilized for just about anything. the lettuce leaves themselves are the perfect vehicle to transport yumminess from plate to mouth to tummy.


in this recipe, i started with red lettuce leaves. i chose red because {especially} when it comes to food, in my book – the more colour, the better.


my method is simple : chop up some fresh tomatoes, red onion, dill pickles, and any other toppings you may want on a burger. then, simply brown some grass-fed ground beef on medium-to-high heat and add in a little S&P. finally, pile your toppings one-by-one onto your yummy lettuce wrap and then finish with some mustard and/or ketchup. i personally love both on my burgers. Continue reading

{thirsty thursday – circus boy by magic hat}

19 Jun


this was on sale at my local liquor store recently.  circus boy is one of my favourite hefewiezens, and i love that the company calls it an “elixir”!

…the trouble with these light, florally and fruity brews is that they tend to go down pretty easy; like orange juice – so tipping a few back ain’t no thang… until i have a headache the next day… :/

this is where i go, “please drink responsibly…”

😉 😛

{thirsty thursday – baba black lager}

8 May


this is by far my {newest} favourite beer ever! here are some reasons why :

#1.  it’s organic {at least according to USDA standards}

#2.  it’s DARK {i appreciate darkness, in more than just my beer}

#3.  it’s low-calorie {waistline-friendly libations are just fine in anyone’s book, right?!}

#4.  it’s low-alcohol {so i don’t feel guilty or wacky or whatever if i drink 2… or 6}

#5.  it’s locally made {kind-of… utah is actually closer to me than denver at this point}

#6.  it’s got a black sheep on the can {so, it’s more than fitting for me}

#7.  it’s totally delicious!!! 

have a great {responsible} weekend! 😀


{thirsty thursday – session lager}

3 Apr


i’ve definitely been throwing back a few of these in the last few weeks…

just your good ol’ basic lager. clean, smooth taste, easy finish. compliments a frozen pizza after a long day at work just perfectly! 😉

{thirsty thursday – saison 88}

6 Mar


saisons are some of my favourite kinds of beer.  when i worked for whole foods in new york city, we had a beer room!  i was going to link you, to show it off to you guys – but apparently it closed!  i can’t believe it!… it’s hard to imagine what it looks like or what’s there now.  life is weird like that – how stuff changes…

i digress.

when i worked at that awesome store, the beer room had a local contest for homebrewers – and the winner got to put their beer on one of our taps!  the winner was a saison, farmhouse ale. it was, and maybe to this day still is, one of the BEST beers i have ever tried if not my favourite beer i’ve ever tried.  and, i gotta tell ya – i’ve tried quite a few beers.  this saison 88 from santa fe brewing company reminded me a lot of that delicious homebrew i had in ol’ NYC some 5 years ago now. i remember it well, though.  it stayed with me… one remembers a really good beer.

{thirsty thursday – “snapshot”}

27 Feb

this doesn’t really need words… right?!


*click click*


*glug glug*

it’s like, the beer for fotographers.

and it is soooooo good!!! 😀

{thirsty thursday – “snapshot” from new belgium… it’s like they finally made a beer just for me!}

20 Feb

when i first spotted this at my local liquor store, i literally squealed, and then immediately grabbed my phone to take a picture.  are you kidding?!  i mean, you know they’re my absolute favourite, right?!  and you know i’m a fotographer, right?!  …


snapshot wheat.

i didn’t buy it right away because i was walking… but then just yesterday, as i was having brunch with one of my girlfriends, i totally got to try it on tap!!!!


it is SO DELICIOUS!!  super cloudy and blonde, definitely a true wheat beer… full of flavour but not over-the-top strong.  it went down like orange juice, and so i had to have another… i am eager to try it from the bottle as well. and then, i’ll take a food-and-foto style pic of it 😉

ohhh, new belgium – you never fail me.


{thirsty thursday – a toast to all this white stuff outside!}

16 Jan

two delicious NBB brews to add to the list :


snow day – dark and rich and full of caramel notes…


accumulation – bright and hoppy with a crisp finish…

both brews celebrate the winter season, and the fanciful snowfall that comes with it. fanciful… how fun is that word.


please drink responsibly… for real, though.

{thirsty thursday – eat, DRINK, and be merry}

26 Dec


new belgium brewing company beer is on sale all month at my local liquor store.  and NBB just happens to be my all-time favourite, so i bought their folly pack, which included 4 throwback beers, 2 below.  i’m excited to {re}explore them all… just not all at once 😉



{thirsty thursday – celebrating 33-years with pan-seared sea scallops, and my favourite beer ever}

21 Nov


my goodness do i love scallops!

pan-seared in some amazing butter… click here to see the best and only cooking method one should use to make these decadent sea-dwellers. like most good things in life, it should be done low and slow. 


and i also love asparagus!

i usually do my best to eat with the seasons… which means i wouldn’t normally be eating asparagus right now, but hey – i’m the birthday girl, i can do whatever i want, right?! 😉

my birthday {which is tomorrow, actually} is always so close to thanksgiving {it was ON thanksgiving last year and the year i was born}, but i admit i’m happy that it falls in an entirely different week this year!  i haven’t really been thinking of the holidays as much this year since i switched jobs {that’s a whole big, long blogpost or BOOK waiting to happen} so it’s been nice to really focus my energy on ME. i do have to work tomorrow, which is kind of a bummer – but i’m celebrating today and tonight with this amazing food and drink.

i like to spoil myself on my birthday.  i started this morning with my favourite americano from my favourite coffee shop and a sinful pastry they call an “apple jesus” – can’t wait to try that!  and i plan to have peach-wood-smoked salmon for lunch, followed by the above amazing meal for dinner… swallowed down gently with this :


la fin du monde – french, which translates to “the end of the world

it is a triple-fermented golden ale that is high in alcohol content {9% : i tried to finish the whole bottle once – not a good idea for this 110-pound lass} la fin du monde is full of wonderful champagne-like bubbles which deliver hints of honey and fruit, accompanied by floral notes that linger pleasantly and round-out with a smooth, dry finish.

i have one every year on my birthday… and i always cook myself a super nice meal, usually consisting of seafood, since it’s my ultimate fav.  i am already salivating, just thinking about my day full of amazing food…

happy birthday to me! 🙂

{thirsty thursday : roasted volcanic garlic and a snow day!}

7 Nov


i feel like i eat garlic with almost every meal.  it’s so good for you, so good for the immune system and for your joints, among a slew of other things.  in the late spring this year, i purchased this beautiful braid of volcanic garlic.  the rep from the farm suggested roasting it with olive oil in the oven, for a very unique experience and flavour.

on it! said food and foto dot com.

i have about 5 bulbs left on the braid i purchased… the guy did say, “buy this now and it will last you through the end of the year” – and here we are {6 months later} in early november and i still have some to play with – yay!

and obviously you can use any kind of garlic.  i had actually never made roasted garlic on my own, so i just had to try…


and i did exactly what the farmer told me to do…. Continue reading

{thirsty thursday – happy halloween : please enjoy responsibly!}

31 Oct

hey ya’ll

are you going to go out and/or dress up for halloween? i have an early morning friday, so i will probably keep it low-key and watch the nightmare before christmas or something… 😉

just wanna throw in my shameless two-cents of a plug here – please don’t drink and drive, have a DD.  and if you don’t have to be on the roads, just stay in. and why not give out healthy snacks instead of candy?  or better yet – do a TRICK!  no one does tricks anymore, we just toss “treats” in a bag and are done with it. can you just imagine the look on the kids faces when you bust out a bunny and a hat instead of twizzlers?  priceless  – better have a camera… 😉  i digress.

meanwhile, i’m all for enjoying a few libations for the event :


i love to support organic practices of all kinds! 😉 this stout was incredible, and had perfect hints of chocolate throughout, with a nice finish.


i’m a fan of farmhouse ales – the bubbles, the colour, the complex flavour… this one didn’t disappoint.


brown ales just feel like autumn, don’t they?  the rich flavour and the heavier body… ideal for transitioning us into the next season.

have a great night, friends!  be safe!

{thirsty thursday : tunacado toasts w/ a little good karma!}

8 Aug


i’ve written about this combination before…

it seems to be a big hit!  i mixed it up a little this time, but as usual, simple ingredients here : Continue reading

{thirsty thursday – delicious beers you ought to try}

18 Jul

just some suggestions for a few life-celebrating libations…


good juju is brewed with ginger – a unique one for sure!  it compliments spicy snacks rather well…


colette is a wonderfully bright and bubbly farmhouse ale that finishes like champagne, with a high alcohol content…


fire rock is a kona brewing company pale ale. this yummy beer gets its dark colour from roasted hops, which aren’t too overwhelming… and the flavour does not disappoint!


new belgium brewery just knows how it’s done.  i’ve never had a beer i didn’t like from them… loft is a seasonal brew full of citrus notes from the kaffir lime and is in the pilsner family.

{thirsty thursday} — shitake mushroom and cippolini onion risotto w/ an authentic abbey

17 Jan


i’m extra excited about risotto now. wanna know why?! besides the fact that it’s kinda fun to make – i just found out that risotto is naturally gluten-free… hooray for that!  it’s a rather starchy grain, and makes for an outstanding vegan dish such as this.  simple ingredients, simple cooking, COMPLEX flavour!  delicious.  i super heart risotto, and you should too… it’s easy to fall in love with it.  here’s what i made for this dish :

mushroomrisotto-web-1 Continue reading