Tag Archives: Nature is cool

{HBD, J}

29 Sep

i love this picture so much! i also love calendula flower so much! {that’s why i grew some this year!} 🙂

celebrating the birthday of a loved one today! ❤

and also celebrating the practice of letting go…

“the end” of something isn’t alway a bad thing… some things need to “die” in order for new growth to occur… i am pretty confident that we can all relate to that in some way…

not to say that loss is easy… but letting go is different.

plants are the best teachers that offer us the chance to channel the connection within the cyclical nature and patterns of life! they remind us that impermanence is part of essentially everything… they also remind us to be present in each now moment… to embrace and enjoy and relish in that which is before us, as we do our best to dance the dance we experience each passing day on this earth.

love those you love with all you have! but also remember – to love yourself first and foremost!

{foodie friday : the teeniest strawberry}

9 Jun

actually, the teeniest strawberries probably grow wild in our back yard…

but i don’t think these are edible… 😉

{flowers for brunch}

26 Oct


and why not?! 😉

along with adorable pansies – tulips, sunflowers, and even orchids – are some of nature’s edible flowers.

cool, huh?! ❤

{foto friday : for the love of leeks}

10 Oct

i recently had a random and brief discussion with a stranger about leeks.  he mentioned that leeks are prominent in french cooking, which i found intriguing.  he also said something like, “they have a lot of some magic property that is super good for you…”  which made me giggle… and which i later discovered was polyphenol – the super antioxidant we all love so much.

i’ve always been attracted to leeks, though i never really cook with them much.  i want to start using leeks more often in the food and foto kitchen.




i plan to add them in a frittata… yum!  which actually, i do believe i’ve done before…




{my fascination with vegetable guts…}

27 Mar


…i don’t really know what else to say about it…


{foto friday – radical romanesco}

15 Nov

not quite broccoli, not quite cabbage, not quite cauliflower… romanesco is in a category all its own.


i’ve written a few times about romanesco… it’s one of my favourite things ever. you can probably still find romanesco at some supermarkets and specialty produce departments…

when i found this super awesome-looking and wonderfully-coloured one, i nabbed it up just so i could have a foto-session with it. i just find their fractal-nature so fascinating!!!  “roman” and i had a lot of fun with the camera… i talk to my food – so what! and i hadn’t really seen one like this before – with the variation in colour.  i am of the mentality that anything with natural colour is good for you… and the more, the better.

i just like to saute my romanesco in some yummy EVOO or butter and eat it up! it’s also really good just raw in a salad. the flavour is amazing, and i don’t know what it is about eating a “fractal”, but it just makes me happy.

radicalromanesco-28 Continue reading

{whatever wednesday – cute little sacredly-geometrical cabbage}

30 Oct
artsy-fartsy cute little fibonacci cabbage

artsy-fartsy cute little fibonacci cabbage

i always buy the “unusual” looking produce, just ask anyone i used to work with.  usually it’s so i can fotograph it 😉

i found this tiny little cabbage one day and nabbed it up.  it was about the size of a softball, maybe smaller… so cute.


yep, pretty tiny and cute. Continue reading

{righteous rambutan}

20 Aug


have you ever seen this crazy interesting fruit?!


it’s called rambutan.  and it is by far the most bizarre-looking food i’ve eaten so far. Continue reading

{parsnip lovers}

18 Apr


i *just had to* snap a foto of these two parsnips that grew together like this…


they came apart, but went right back together.

one of the coolest things i’ve seen produce do, yet!!!!