Tag Archives: maryland

{(not-the-first) homemade maryland crab soup}

7 Mar

i am undoubtedly a marylander in this one particular way… i could unabashedly eat crabs almost every day!

{also, i’m a poet and didn’t know it} 

okay, maybe not every day, but like… all the time.

if you know you know… in that, maryland is known for their blue crabs… caught fresh off the chesapeake bay and steamed in savory spices like old bay or JO and a bit of local beer… served piping hot with corn, potatoes, and sometimes hush puppies.

but also, recreated in a simple vegetable soup… which freezes comfortably and easily.

so, that’s what i did last summer… bought a bunch of steamed maryland blue crabs… hand-picked them all… saved (most) of the meat… added it to my homemade soup recipe… and froze it…

and NOW! i get to enjoy it in the colder months… share it with friends and family… and reap the benefits of my patience, self-control, and overall appreciation for homemade preserved food…

i sometimes also make a cream-of-crab soup/dip and i’ll mix the two… this picture/recipe below is classic maryland crab soup with a tomato base. my favourite preference for sure.

audrey michelle’s homemade maryland blue crab soup :

  • 28 oz. crushed tomatoes of choice
  • 32 oz. chicken and/or veggie/seafood stock
  • 1 can light beer (yuengling is my choice)
  • carrot
  • celery
  • onion
  • garlic
  • corn
  • potatoes
  • cabbage
  • green beans
  • tomatoes
  • fresh lemon
  • OLD BAY!!!
  • S&P to taste
  • 1 pound crab meat (or as much as you want!)

typically, i build my soup in “layers” – starting with sautéing the mirepoix mix in a little olive oil and/or butter… splashing some white wine in the pan, then adding the broth… next, the canned tomatoes (or blending a little of both and then adding to the pot)… then, depending on if you are using fresh or canned veggies – add those in layers also… if fresh – start with potatoes and a little crab meat… then add in green beans, cabbage, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and lastly tomatoes… add old bay to your preferred taste, S&P, and finish with more crab meat. i like to layer in my crab meat for flavour but also because the meat will break down and “shred” as it’s cooked… therefore, the final step for me is to add in crab meat at the very end while it’s cooling (whether or not i’m freezing or serving immediately) and then i also serve it with a fresh jumbo chunk on top and a sprinkle of fresh parsley, squeeze of lemon, and more old bay.

this is hands-down my favourite soup of all time. have you ever had it?!


{first snow of 2024}

16 Jan

baby, it’s cold outside!

oh, and it’s national AUDREY day! 😉

hehe 😉

and the holly tree sure looks pretty in the snow!

happy new year!


{also – happy full moon!}

29 Sep

it’s been too rainy here to see the moon lately, so i’m sharing a picture i captured with my iPhone from the blue moon last month. 🙂

{love is love}

10 Jul

…and i love it! ❤

also, i love {tasteful} graffiti!

{what a view!}

6 Jul

right in my little neck of the woods…

summetime vibes! 🙂 ❤

{my mid-week meal : seared scallops with braised broccoli rabe}

25 May

what can i say?! – i just love alliteration. 😉

i also love anything seafood related… especially scallops! they are one of my all-time favourites! when i lived in NYC, i would make scallops about once a month for my lovely roommate and myself. we always looked forward to it, and she always appreciated it! sharing good food with good people is just one of THE BEST things in life!

i feel like i can confidently say that i have pretty much perfected the method in which scallops should be cooked… particularly fresh scallops. it’s best to treat them almost like a steak in the sense that you want them to be very dry to start, seasoned with good salt, and seared in a hot dry pan {cast iron is my choice.} they are delicate and tender, much like a good steak. i purchased these scallops from my favourite local market and they are locally-sourced and so so fresh! i patted them down with a clean paper towel and added them to a super hot pan for about 2-3 minutes on one side, until they were ready to flip… which is the key step in the process… they should gently and easily remove from the pan when ready to turn. then, the next key step is to add some yummy grass-fed butter {my choice} and baste, baste, baste… for another 2-3 minutes on high heat.

finally, remove from heat and allow to rest for about a minute or so… then use a fork to slice into that buttery sweet goodness with ease and oh my – enjoy every bite!

i served mine with braised broccoli rabe (aka “rapini”) for a complimentary savory/bitter component.

this meal was so divine and delicious!

nom nom!!

p.s. – if you don’t already, please follow me on instagram – @foodnfoto – to further the experience with all things food and foto related! 🙂

{spring is springing… again!}

16 May

i was recently having a discussion with a dear friend the other day about rebirth and resurrection and cycles of life, etc. and i was thinking about how gardening is one of the most fascinating things for me because plants go through all of the cycles… birth through death and then rebirth… it’s fascinating and marvelous to witness. springtime is so incredible because we get to be renewed with LIFE again… each and every time.

it has been a simply marvelous spring season here in maryland! we have had lots of rain lately, so everything looks so lush and green and vibrant! i just can’t help but pause to admire all the beautiful blooms up and down the streets and in peoples yards and gardens! i snapped a few fotos with the iphone, and here are some images of the beautiful flowers i’ve been seeing lately on my nature walks… 🙂

{don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers!}

i am so excited for the next round of blooms! 🙂 ❤ 


{audrey and venus and jupiter, oh my!}

21 Feb

and the awesome crescent moon… lookin’ like the cheshire cat smile!!!


p.s. i love how you can see the outline of the moon, too! 

both venus and jupiter will be visible through the end of february! so, make sure to look up! ❤

and don’t forget to get out in nature! it’s so healing!!!




{strawberry full moon}

15 Jun

obviously i have a little theme going here, lately… 😉

all things strawberry!!!

upon waking {accidentally super early} this morning, i went down to the park and captured a few fotos of the beautiful full {strawberry} moon. while there, i made friends with a few ducks, and even finally got to see some baby ducklings for the first time this season!

please enjoy these lovely fotos!

i just love that gradient sky! good morning {and good night} moon! ❤

see the blue herring?!

i just love a pier on a summer morning…

mama and baby ducks… they followed me around for a bit… it was so cute!

baby ducklings splashing around…

aaahhhhhh, morning golden hour! the best!

how was your morning? have a great day!

{garden fresh strawberries}

10 Jun

aren’t these just the most beautiful strawberries you’ve ever seen?!

and i promise you, they taste better than they look, if you can imagine 😉

by the way, which background do you like better?! comment below…

fun food facts :

strawberries contain more vitamin c than oranges. they are also high in antioxidants and are super easy to grow! they self-seed and make a fun little patch to pick from. they are the only fruit with seeds on the outside. some strawberries contain over 200 seeds! they have a short season, so continuous harvesting is necessary for optimum enjoyment. also, to maintain the sweet flavour, strawberries are better served at room temperature.



{garden update – volume 2}

7 Jun

this update is a little late… so much has been going on at the garden! we had a lot of rain here, and so the plants are growing and thriving so well!

i typically plant seasonally. so i started with my cool season crops like radishes, peas, beets, spinach, kale, arugula, and lettuce… most of which i have harvested lately. i also harvested the garlic and onions that i adopted from last year. the peas are starting to produce fruit which is exciting, and the lettuce is still thriving and i planted more this week. i started planting my summer crops – cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, squash, and more lettuce. i also planted flowers this year, which is kind of new for me – nasturtiums, calendula, and coneflower.

here is a progress report on what my overall garden plot looks like. i currently have a lot of seeds in the ground, and i take some pride in having beautiful soil and very little to no weeds. i am so excited to continue to watch the growth and progress! 🙂

do you have a garden? what are you growing?

Continue reading

{garden update}

30 Apr

the weather here in Maryland has been so confusing for the last two months. i think we even had a frost last week! however, i do believe we are finally hitting that spring stride… and i’m so ready!

i’ve been steadily getting my garden ready, also! currently, i have lots of sprouts coming up, hooray! i also have a lot of weeds, boo! but i’m holding off on doing too much weeding just yet so i make sure not to pull any sprouts. typically i don’t have any weeds and i take pride in that… but i’ll just have to be patient for now. 😉

here are some pics to show the progress. {if you follow me on instagram, you’ve probably already seen these… and if you don’t, please do – here.}

Continue reading

{nature hike}

30 Mar

nothing like a stroll in nature to clear the mind, connect with the earth, and welcome the new season!

it’s been a little chilly here lately {boo!} but just recently, i took a little walk with my cousin through a beautiful trail nearby and we both had our cameras in hand.

here are a few of my favourite images from the day.

happy spring, y’all – hope it’s springing where you are!

stumbled onto this along the way!

had a little fun taking pics of it…

these trees kind of remind of me aspens

nothing like sunset over the water…

how’s the weather where you live?

{belated full moon post}

19 Feb

i took some pretty pictures of the moon a while back and never got around to posting them. since we recently experienced a full moon, i thought i would share some of those images here with you.

also – my favourite quote :

“to be nobody but yourself in a world that is doing its best to make you something else, is to fight the hardest battle you are going to fight… never stop fighting.” – ee cummings

{new garden season!}

15 Feb

hey y’all!

it’s a bit early in the year for such things, but this area in the northeast offered some nice weather this past weekend, so i was eager to get outside and get my hands in the dirt! as you know, there isn’t much that makes me feel happier than being in nature – and especially, being in a garden!!!


it pleases me to say – that i finally found a community garden that is only about 15 minutes from where i currently live. i am so excited about it! i was also pleasantly surprised to discover that the plot i adopted is about 3 times the size of the last one i took care of in north carolina! this gives me so many ideas on what to plant, and i am feeling so grateful!!!

please stay tuned… as there will be more updates to come… but for now, here’s a brief overview of the work i did this past saturday when the temperatures were in the high 50s!




the person who took care of this plot last season planted lots of beautiful garlic and onions… which apparently are mine now! and although i am very grateful to have them, i will have to figure out what to do with some of the crops since ultimately i will need to have access to the foundation before it’s time to harvest them…

also – i feel like it doesn’t look like i did much {haha}… and i still have a lot of work to do… but i was there for about 3 hours and i was able to clear out a lot of weeds, etc… i also brought a souvenir home, in the form of a slight rash on my arms from all of the random things i was pulling out of the ground and off the fence line, in my attempt to start prepping the soil {haha!} but fret not, my body and skin are just fine now… that said – next time, i ought to consider and/or be more conscious about wearing longer sleeves… sometimes i just get right into the thick of things, without thinking much… 😉

are you prepping for a garden this year? please comment and share what you plan on growing and any tips you may have! i love to hear from and talk with fellow gardeners! ❤

also – please follow me on instagram for more updates!



{maryland crab cakes – food and foto style}

5 Nov

a little ramble to preface this post…

i just love living in maryland once again! this is my home. i’ve traveled all around this country and lived in several different states, and yet i came back here… so i feel like there’s something to be said about that. one of the things i love most about maryland is the seafood! every time i lived anywhere else, i was always trying to recreate the seafood experience that exists in this region. i remember one time when i was in colorado, i actually paid to have some maryland crabs shipped to me because i was craving them so intensely! at the time, i was working for a specialty market that was able to hook me up, so that was awesome!

i swear i could eat steamed maryland blue crabs every single day… 24/7/365! during the summer months, i splurge a little and treat myself to them once or twice a month. now that the season is ending, i’m feeling a little sad and will miss enjoying them on the regular. that said, i was gifted some crabs last week by some loving and generous people, so i ate some {most!} and picked the rest and saved them for crab cakes. actually, i was going to save the meat and freeze it for making some crab soup over the winter… but i decided to whip up these crab cakes instead. i guess that means i should eat crabs one more time before the weekend so i can save the meat for winter! {do you understand my logic?! ;)}

did you know that late summer / early autumn is actually the best time for enjoying steamed maryland blue crabs? it’s mostly because they have beens swimming around and eating all summer and getting bigger and therefore more full and delicious!

i used to be so intimidated by making crab cakes because it is the ultimate maryland delicacy and i felt like there was no way i could make a good one. and then on a random sunday, i just went for it! i kept the recipe simple, as you know we like to do around here, and they turned out terrific! typically i don’t eat a lot of fried foods, but in this case i prefer the fried crab cake over the broiled or baked. at least when i make them at home… it just seams to taste better that way.

here’s a little foto story about my recent crab cake making journey…

i started with about 2 cups crab meat {that i hand-picked}, one egg, and roughly 1/2 cup bread crumbs, 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 1/4 cup mustard, and then i heavy-handedly sprinkled in some old bay…

i gently mixed the bread crumbs, old bay, and crab meat together… then mixed the egg, mayo, and mustard together…

i gently blended the wet and dry ingredients {don’t want to over-mix, need to keep it lumpy!} then put the mixture in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes…

finally, i created two patties and fried them in vegetable oil until crisp and golden brown on each side. i served with a mayo/mustard combo dip and old bay garnish.

may i just say i am SUPER proud of myself for doing this?! these crab cakes turned out so delicious and i am glad i got beyond my fear because now i have one other dish to add to my recipe repertoire and to share with those i love!

do you like crab cakes? or seafood for that matter? comment your favs below!

{funky fungi}

6 Oct

speaking of mushrooms and fungi – check out this fantastic wild funky fungi that was recently gifted to me. apparently it’s edible, but it was just a little passed its prime when i got my hands on it. this amazing thing grows wild on a tree in a friend’s backyard. i wish i could remember the name. perhaps she will remind me before i decide to post this blog. another good friend of mine said it looked like a brain – haha. {he’s constantly saying silly things like that}

i love the golden colour! it reminds me of {yummy!} chanterelle mushrooms, but i was informed that this is technically a fungi. so now i’m curious about which is which… how to distinguish the difference, if there is one?! i think it may have something to do with the underside – the gills?! i’m going to do more research, and i welcome any insight from my amazing readers and/or forager friends!

so without further ado, here are some artistic fotos i took of this fascinating creation from our incredible earth.

update 03/17/22 : i am pretty confident that this is a “chicken of the woods” mushroom”… 


it does kind of look like a brain in this foto
































{fantastic fungi – local edition}

30 Sep

y’all – i LOVE mushrooms! i always have. they fascinate me. i recently watched a super cool documentary that i highly recommend you check out – fantastic fungi. in discovering that film, i learned that mushrooms aren’t really a plant and they aren’t really an animal… they are like their own category. understanding that made me love them even more! i wish i could articulate just how amazing mushrooms really are. essentially they have an entire underground system in which they are all interconnected… and in some ways, mushrooms connect all of us, too! it’s just mind-blowing to learn and think about!

the weather has been just gorgeous here in maryland as of late. simply and purely perfectly autumn – warm sun, cool breeze, crisp air… the best! which means i want to get outside as much as possible! and so i went on a beautiful nature walk the other day and i must’ve seen at least 30 different kinds of mushrooms! i was constantly stopping and marveling at them. i snapped some pics with my phone and so i wanted to share what i saw.

i hope you enjoy and i truly encourage you to watch that film. i think i’ll watch it again and again!

{i heart lighthouses}

15 Mar

hey y’all.

is anyone else experiencing spring fever?!! my goodness, i’m SO ready for warmer weather!!  and getting a small taste it this past week has me feeling the excitement of new beginnings and gardening season and all of the other wonderful things that spring has to offer!

in the spirit of daylight savings time, i took a short drive and a short hike to a little area close by to where i live. which reminds me… i have much to update on. your fellow gypsy queen has moved… again. i’m living back in maryland, where i spent many of my years as a youth. lots of reasons brought about this decision, and i am happy to be back and i love being so close to the water again.

all that said, i can walk to the river in 15 minutes, and i can drive to this amazing place in that same time. i feel most alive when i’m close to a body of water {preferably the ocean – which is still pretty close!}, and so i am loving living in this space again! given the 60 degree temps this past weekend, i felt inspired to get out of the house and take a drive to watch the sunset over the water. i brought my camera, so i’m sharing some of my favourite images… mostly it was me playing around with a bunch of filters and edits. i really love lighthouses!

i have so missed blogging and i look forward to getting back into a more consistent rhythm with it!

thank you to my loyal readers and those of you that engage with my posts, send me messages, and truly care about what i’m doing, and my life, and my art, and all the things. it means the world to me and i am so thankful to be back doing what i love so much! i hope you enjoy these fotos.


signs of spring

signs of spring


sunset through the trees






























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{post “soup-or-bowl” post}

3 Feb

soooo – the broncos lost the superbowl.  yeah, in like a MAJOR WAY!  *sigh*

i’ll leave the rants for the professionals – all i’m going to say is it’s a good thing i was surrounded with fun people and lots of delicious food.

broncos-1 broncos-2

it was a “soup-or-bowl” party – bring a soup or a bowl of salad. i brought maryland crab soup.  so i thought i’d share the recipe 🙂


i had never made this before – though i remember eating it almost every day for lunch when i was living in aberdeen, maryland many years ago.  my favourite little cafe on the side of the highway always had the biggest vat of it simmering all day and it smelled so amazing!

i just made it based on what i remembered and “winged” the rest… Continue reading