Tag Archives: soup

{(not-the-first) homemade maryland crab soup}

7 Mar

i am undoubtedly a marylander in this one particular way… i could unabashedly eat crabs almost every day!

{also, i’m a poet and didn’t know it} 

okay, maybe not every day, but like… all the time.

if you know you know… in that, maryland is known for their blue crabs… caught fresh off the chesapeake bay and steamed in savory spices like old bay or JO and a bit of local beer… served piping hot with corn, potatoes, and sometimes hush puppies.

but also, recreated in a simple vegetable soup… which freezes comfortably and easily.

so, that’s what i did last summer… bought a bunch of steamed maryland blue crabs… hand-picked them all… saved (most) of the meat… added it to my homemade soup recipe… and froze it…

and NOW! i get to enjoy it in the colder months… share it with friends and family… and reap the benefits of my patience, self-control, and overall appreciation for homemade preserved food…

i sometimes also make a cream-of-crab soup/dip and i’ll mix the two… this picture/recipe below is classic maryland crab soup with a tomato base. my favourite preference for sure.

audrey michelle’s homemade maryland blue crab soup :

  • 28 oz. crushed tomatoes of choice
  • 32 oz. chicken and/or veggie/seafood stock
  • 1 can light beer (yuengling is my choice)
  • carrot
  • celery
  • onion
  • garlic
  • corn
  • potatoes
  • cabbage
  • green beans
  • tomatoes
  • fresh lemon
  • OLD BAY!!!
  • S&P to taste
  • 1 pound crab meat (or as much as you want!)

typically, i build my soup in “layers” – starting with sautéing the mirepoix mix in a little olive oil and/or butter… splashing some white wine in the pan, then adding the broth… next, the canned tomatoes (or blending a little of both and then adding to the pot)… then, depending on if you are using fresh or canned veggies – add those in layers also… if fresh – start with potatoes and a little crab meat… then add in green beans, cabbage, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and lastly tomatoes… add old bay to your preferred taste, S&P, and finish with more crab meat. i like to layer in my crab meat for flavour but also because the meat will break down and “shred” as it’s cooked… therefore, the final step for me is to add in crab meat at the very end while it’s cooling (whether or not i’m freezing or serving immediately) and then i also serve it with a fresh jumbo chunk on top and a sprinkle of fresh parsley, squeeze of lemon, and more old bay.

this is hands-down my favourite soup of all time. have you ever had it?!


{savory split-pea soup}

19 Jan

this is a dish that i find myself craving during cold winter months. it is full of healthy protein and fiber, it is super comforting, and it is loaded with flavour. this can be made vegetarian or even vegan, but i added some ham to mine and simmered in my home-made chicken bone broth. it is so simply delicious!

savory split-pea soup…


i used a dried soup mix that i had in the pantry with split green and yellow peas, red lentils, dehydrated veggies, and a spice blend. i also used about equal parts homemade broth/water and seasoned to taste. i didn’t use a lot of extra spices in this soup because i honestly just love the flavour of the peas after they’ve been simmering in the broth and with the ham and hints from the bacon fat permeating throughout. although i did add in some dried parsley and of course S&P.

you could easily just use dried split peas for this recipe, and add in whatever veggies you want, chopped or frozen… typically a mirepoix mix provides the most aromatics, and that is my go-to. 

i sautéed a diced onion in some bacon fat {i know!} until tender, then i deglazed with a little white wine vinegar… {typically i would use a dry white wine but i didn’t have any at the time.}

to the stock pan, i added the liquid mixture of about 2 quarts chicken broth and 2 quarts water and brought to a boil, then added in about 2 cups of the split pea mixture. i cooked the peas down for about 15 minutes on high heat, tossed in some ham, then simmered on low-medium heat until i found the consistency i wanted…about another 30 minutes.

i added in some diced ham at the last minute, because it was already cooked and thinly sliced… then simmered again on low for an additional 5-10 minutes. this made about 3-4 quarts of soup in total. i shared some with a friend and also canned a couple of pints for the future.

it totally hit the spot! i have been eating it for 2 days and will probably have some more tonight! it’s also one of those soups that gets better the next day! 🙂

before and after 🙂

nom nom, slurp slurp.

{inspired by : stracciatella}

1 Oct

this simplistically yummy soup was inspired by the same instagram account i mentioned in a previous post {see recipe here} which i stumbled onto one night while scrolling and searching for recipe inspiration. i had never heard of this dish, but then i did some research and found out that it is derived from roman culture and the word stracciatella actually translates to “little rags” – which i think is both adorable and poignant. it was created to use up kitchen scraps… as {in my humble opinion} some of the best meals always are!

this soup is so simple and easy to make. the chicken stock is the most time-consuming part of this recipe. sure, you can buy it… but homemade is best! in my kitchen, i tend to make chicken stock about once a week. i use it for everything and i sip on the bone broth a lot during cold winter months and/or freeze or can it for future use. and now that we are officially in the autumn season, and the weather is cooling down, i am truly enjoying this soup even more. although, i tend to enjoy soup year round.

as you know, we appreciate simplicity around here at food and foto. quality in = quality out. simple, healthy, clean ingredients lay the foundation and make for the most enjoyable meals.

this is one of my new favourite soups! so soothing, so comforting, so simple, and so delicious.

  • 8-12 oz chicken stock
  • 1-2 eggs, beaten
  • 1/4 cup parmigiana reggiana
  • 1/4-1/2 cup fresh spinach
  • S&P to taste
  • parsley, optional

a crumbled up parmigiano reggiano swirl via stovetop sauté pan – also optional. {but adds some great flavour and crunch!}

method :

heat stock on medium to high and wilt in spinach. drop in the egg{s}. stir in grated cheese and season as desired.

#sipsip #nomnom

{homemade nutrient-dense beef bone broth}

7 Dec


it seems like bone broth is all the rage these days. everyone is talking about it, bloggers are writing about it, and i see articles in random magazines about it, too. i also find it funny that food has like, fads. i mean – i figure diets have fads because that is essentially what “dieting” is… but it just tickles me when i notice certain “food trends”… you know what i mean?! nevertheless, i’d be lying if i didn’t say i recently jumped on the bandwagon regarding bone broth. 😛



– bone broth is ancestral food – our grandma’s grandmas probably made it all the time!

bone broth contains many nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

– bone broth is also high in beauty-supporting collagen and amino acids.

bone broth is comforting, and great for those days we feel “under the weather.”

bone broth supports a healthy gut and intestinal-lining.

– bone broth contains joint-supporting gelatin, glucosamine, and chondroitin.

bone broth is very cost-effective and you can control the ingredients when you make it yourself!


anyway, my cute little store sells beef bones with the marrow included, which is what you want for making broth.  i’ve read several articles and books about the benefits of ancient cooking and bone broth is something that always seems to be at the top of the list for overall health-boosting properties. i usually opt for a veggie broth when i am stocking the pantry.  however, i couldn’t pass up the opportunity to make something new from scratch.  i just love to create things. plus, understanding the health benefits of bone broth make it extra appealing to me.

after perusing several recipes and suggestions, i did what audrey typically does and i created my own version of bone broth.  this entire batch {which made about a gallon} cost me around $4.00. try comparing that to the stocks or broths you find in the store… it simply doesn’t.  nor does the nutritional value.


ingredient guidelines for bone broth :

– 2 lbs grass-fed beef bones

– 2 large carrots, chopped

– 2 celery stalks, chopped

– 1 yellow onion, chopped 

– 3 cloves garlic, chopped

– 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

3 or 4 sprigs fresh parsley {optional}

– 1 bay leaf {optional}

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{post “soup-or-bowl” post}

3 Feb

soooo – the broncos lost the superbowl.  yeah, in like a MAJOR WAY!  *sigh*

i’ll leave the rants for the professionals – all i’m going to say is it’s a good thing i was surrounded with fun people and lots of delicious food.

broncos-1 broncos-2

it was a “soup-or-bowl” party – bring a soup or a bowl of salad. i brought maryland crab soup.  so i thought i’d share the recipe 🙂


i had never made this before – though i remember eating it almost every day for lunch when i was living in aberdeen, maryland many years ago.  my favourite little cafe on the side of the highway always had the biggest vat of it simmering all day and it smelled so amazing!

i just made it based on what i remembered and “winged” the rest… Continue reading

{meatless monday} — super simple one-pot veggie stew

19 Nov

simple is as simple does.

my birthday is on thanksgiving this year, did i mention that?!  i was born on thanksgiving, and every 6 years or so it falls on the day.  do i have an opinion about this, of course i do. i mean, it might seem cool to share your birthday with one of the bigger american holidays, but it’s actually not all that great. every year i have to plan my birthday around the turkey and quite frankly, i’m much better than poultry and my presence on the planet is more crucial, i feel.  alas, every year i kind of get forgotten about.  story of my life.  i’m not cut up about it, but this year i did decide that i would make it all about ME. whatever i want to do, i’ll do it.  and if that means staying home, making dinner alone, listening to my favourite music as loud as i want and taking like 3 naps before i meditate under my stars, well then by golly that’s what i’m going to do.

this year has been pivotal for me.  i have much to celebrate.  and i feel like birthdays are kind of like new years day.  like, it’s actually a NEW YEAR for each of us on a different day… you know?! anyway, it definitely feels like that for me this year and i want the chance to reflect, give thanks, and meditate in order to manifest what i want this year to look like for me… which mostly means being open to whatever the universe has planned for me 🙂

that had absolutely nothing to do with today’s meatless monday recipe. other than the fact that because since i’m planning on completely spoiling myself with some delicious food all day long, i must pinch some pennies during the week.  this means the crockpot gets a workout!  last weeks lentil soup was a hit – i had a few readers tell me they tried it and loved it.  my friend miss J put sweet potato in hers… YUM!

soups are such a great make-ahead meal and can be so unbelievably easy to make. i made this dish for some friends of mine when visiting in the rockies and it was such a hit that not only did i make it again for the roomie and myself, but when i went shopping yesterday, i bought the ingredients again. not a drop was wasted, i love that! Continue reading

{meatless monday} — overnight lentil soup

12 Nov

happy monday, ya’ll!

sorry for my absence – i missed you.  i was away last weekend in the mountains, and i didn’t get the chance to blog remotely on monday or tuesday and by the time mid-week rolled around i just decided to take the rest of the week off from blogging.  with the holidays rapidly approaching, my “day job” will get more demanding of my time and energy, and thus i will appreciate the “calm before the storm,” if you will.

so, we’re back on track and here is today’s meatless monday recipe. it’s all about soup in the audrey michelle household.  soup is all the things i look for in a meal : simple, healthy, easy, filling, and delicious. cost-effective, too!

see, i just bought a car.  i think i mentioned that?  well, a car means a car payment for me and that means reconfiguring my budget.  i typically just splurge on food – it’s just my thing, i don’t shop, i don’t go out, i don’t eat out – my “treat” is food, always has been.  and it will continue to be that way, i just have to be a little more aware and plan ahead.  i plan on posting a blog about batch cooking, which ultimately saves time and money… just need to allot some time to yourself to plan ahead and just do it!

soup is a great make-ahead meal that keeps well in the fridge and is friendly with the wallet. so, on with the recipe!

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{meatless monday} — buttercorn squash soup

8 Oct

i am fully aware that “buttercorn” is not  a word… remember how i like to make up names for my dishes?!  well, this was no exception.

and i’m so fully in autumn mode it’s not even right.  and it’s not just because we got hit with some snow this week.  i’ve been ready now for weeks.  i thrive in the fall, i love this time of year!!  and yes, part of it is because i have a birthday approaching! 🙂  but i just love the food autumn brings.  i’m finally ready to put away the salad fork and bust out the soup spoon more often… i’m ready for root vegetables, squashes, potatoes, yams, and soups!!!!

squash was on sale a couple weeks ago – 10 pounds for 10 dollars.  so i snagged up 3 different kinds – spaghetti, acorn, and butternut.  i always use my spaghetti squash as pasta, so i knew what to do with that… and i was going to try to make the butternut squash as soup anyway – then i thought, well why can’t i just use BOTH kinds of squash in the soup?!

and so i did. Continue reading

vegan {nutrient-packed} pho

6 Jun

have you met pho?  it’s a wonderfully healing noodle soup that originates from vietnam.  my roommate introduced it to me when i first moved back to colorado and i was immediately hooked.  loaded with ginger, garlic, and other healing spices, this dish is something i always crave when i’m not feeling my best.  whether i just need a boost of vitamins, something warm on the throat, or a little spice in my life – i reach for the pho. Continue reading