Tag Archives: graffiti

{love is love}

10 Jul

…and i love it! ❤

also, i love {tasteful} graffiti!

{things that remind me of new york…}

4 Mar


pizza… and me in this hat!


geese everywhere for days… and creepy, unexplainable masks…


culturally cool bikes… !


large groups of ninjas practicing with swords… and this…


stickers on electrical posts… and graffiti in hidden spots…


broken glass that looks like art… and bright colours…


stickers everywhere for days… especially funny ones…


this cool lamppost… !


tweety bird driving {what appears to be} a pimped-out dunebuggy… and awesome murals…

“manhattan knocks” – a foto series by audrey michelle

24 May

New York CityNew York City

New York CityNew York City

New York City

New York CityNew York City

New York City

New York CityNew York City


{happy earth day!}

22 Apr

New York City

and celebrate ALL WEEK!




{foto friday} – love is always the appropriate reaction

16 Nov

i feel like KISSing today.  Keeping It Seriously Simple.

i have a long weekend and week ahead of me.  i am working straight through to my birthday, which coincidentally happens to be on thanksgiving this year.  i plan to cook a feast for myself and meditate under my stars all night.  i’m kind of weird… even though i work in the public and enjoy helping others, i’m actually quite a loner and am extremely introverted… so it’s totally okay 🙂

anyway… i feel really good lately and even though this is true, i do realize not everyone is so “zen” during the holidays, and therefore i’m trying to remember this simple truth over the next week :

i saw this on a building once when strolling through the lower east side of manhattan.  i obviously had to take a picture.  two days later i walked that same block and it had been painted over.  i still have it as my screen saver on my phone and i try to live by this rule every day.  it’s such a simple truth, and i find that when i react to situations with love, with only the highest version of myself, things are just better. the world needs more love.  it’s part of our “job” here, to spread the love that we ARE… in fact, it’s the only reason we are here.


{travel tuesday} — new york, new york

28 Aug

the people have spoken.  and they’ve used the “like” button as their language. for 3-4 weeks i was posting images in “travel tuesday” that were from when i lived in new york.  LOTS of you liked the posts – almost 20 on each one! some were followers, some just newbies to the blog that probably saw “new york” in the tags, and clicked on it.  either way, the message was clear :


however, wanting/needing/appreciating diversity, i thought i’d try to post a different travel tuesday. variety is the spice of life, i thought… and i’ve been LOTS of other places… and last week i thought, maybe i should post about some OTHER place to travel to… a DIFFERENT place i’ve been or lived…

nope.  no one cares.  i had like, 4 “likes” last week…

so, i listened.  THE PEOPLE WANT NEW YORK!  and i can’t say i blame them…

🙂 Continue reading