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{first portrait session of 2024}

26 Jan

this was one of my favourite sessions ever! mister LT was just so much fun to work with. he was immediately confident and comfortable in front of the camera, and he made it so easy on me while i had the privilege of playing behind the lense. those are my favourite type of sessions!

he is a very talented singer and artist and overall awesome human being! i am so thankful we met!

here are some of my favourite images from our morning in the brisk january air…

{p.s. – how handsome is he?!}

{congratulations to d&m}

25 Aug

i recently had the utmost pleasure of fotographing these lovely humans on a warm sunny summer evening here in my hometown.

these two are so adorable!! my cousin {the handsome fellow} and his bride-to-be {the gorgeous lady} were so much fun to put my camera in front of! they were so laid-back and open and authentic. which, as we know, makes for the most wonderful images! it makes my job as a fotographer so easy and allows me to be fully immersed in the moment. when my “subjects” trust me and know they can just interact and be themselves, it offers space for me to do what i can do best –


here are a few of my favourites from this special day!

i love you both dearly! ❤ ❤ ❤

p.s. – can’t wait for some baby pics!!! 😀

{homecoming portraits : mister C and miss R}

29 Oct

would ya just look at this adorable couple!

i had such a great time taking some cute and fun fotographs of them right before they went out for their first homecoming experience! {ahhh, remember those days?!}

these types of portrait sessions are my absolute favourite! i love spending time with the youth, they always make me laugh and bring out the best in me! i especially love it when we establish an instantaneous connection! the lighting and weather in northern maryland were just perfect on this late october evening just before dusk, with the colourful autumn sky and leaves changing and falling. this sweet couple were both full of personality and instantly connected comfortably with my camera. i just love it when that happens so naturally!

here are a few of my favourite images :

i loved fotographing these cuties!

i loved their colour scheme!

i loved their laughs!

i love the preset filter i used for this image!

i loved their spontaneity! at one point, i asked them for a “silly” pose and this is what they gave me – haha!

i loved this candid moment! the struggle was real – trying to pin his boutonnière on properly.

i loved this solo moment when i asked miss R to “twirl” for me!

i LOVE this image! it is my favourite shot of the day… i LOVE the light and the chicken coop in the background!

i loved this portrait session so much!

{a beautiful family portrait session}

8 Jul

i had the honour of fotographing this beautiful family a few weeks ago.

i love a good clean backdrop. nature provides the best, but so does a simple brick wall.

love that smile!

sometimes the “outtakes” are my favourite images… so candid and fun.


{child portrait photography : sister sister!}

29 Sep

some favourites from a recent portrait session –

how adorable are these two?!



{corporate headshots – new client, miss k}

12 Dec

i’m having a lot of fun fotographing corporate headshots, lately. miss k took me on a pleasant walk around north carolina’s state campus on a warm but crisp afternoon.

here are some of my favourite shots :

i think miss K sort of resembles hillary swank… would you agree?!

we both agreed that these were our two favourite shots of the day… at least for what she wanted to use the images for. i am always very pleased when a client is happy with their results. particularly when they are a tad bit nervous in the beginning.

{corporate headshots – new client, mister PD}

8 Aug

my latest client, mister PD was effortless in front of the camera, which i’m also super grateful for.

i’ve recently been getting commissioned to do more corporate headshots for social media sites like linkedin. since i don’t have a studio and shoot primarily on location, i haven’t really been marketing myself as a “corporate headshot” fotographer… but i think that’s all about to change.

{memories in manhattan – volume 3}

27 Mar

after my experience with the cute stranger on the subway, i quickly started to realize that my fondness of portraiture was beginning to grow rapidly. when i was in college, i never really wanted to fotograph people… my ambition was to work for a place like j.crew and fotograph flat lays on white seamless. i think i would still enjoy something like that, but my point is, i was totally intimidated at the thought of putting people in front of my camera. 

the ironic thing is, part of the reason i was able to save up some money to even move to new york, was due to fotographing some portraits for clients during the summer months while i was living in delaware with a friend. i took the train up to manhattan twice and was able to squeeze in a few sessions on long weekends and put that money toward my moving fund. i think it was during that summer that i really started to fall in love with portraiture. 

the following fotos were taking during one of my first portrait/headshot sessions upon moving to new york. the only person i really knew in the city at the time just happened to be a film-maker, and he knew lots of aspiring actors and actresses that were in need of good headshots. 

i met this lovely young lady in central park for our session. she is of french descent, and i just love her unique features. she was a natural in front of the camera, and it was during this session that i started to really fine-tune my creative portrait eye. 

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{senior portraits | meet mister M}

14 Dec

i had a truly wonderful time working with mister M and his family last month.

senior portraits are by far my most favourite images to capture. there’s something about working with a graduating teen who is just full of hope and promise and excitement. i love talking with them about their experiences, goals, and ambitions. it make me both nostalgic and inspired.

during this shoot, i also had the opportunity to fotograph the entire family, which was fun. but my main focus was on mister M and he was such a natural! as it turns out, his aunt is also a fotographer and so he was used to having a camera in his face… which made it so effortless for me.

here are a few of my favourite shots from the session.






good luck, mister M! and if you ever need a custom trumpet made, i’ll direct you to the perfect person! 🙂

{new client, miss R!}

28 Nov

i am so happy to be working behind the camera again!

i met this lovely lady just three short weeks after moving to north carolina. she reached out regarding corporate headshots, and i was honoured to play the roll of fotographer 😉

i love her classic look and fiery red hair! miss R was a true pleasure to work with, and i hope to see more of her in the future!




{happy birthday to me!}

22 Nov


looking forward to a healthy year… mind, body, and spirit.

i want to take a moment to sincerely thank you all for being a part of my life. for taking the time to read what i write, for enjoying my fotos, for your emails, your comments, your jokes, and your love. i appreciate every word and interaction and cherish each one dearly. some of you have been along for the ride since the very beginning… and it just means so much to me to have you here! ❤

{bell pepper guts}

8 Mar


what is it about the inside of vegetables that i find so INTRIGUING?!!? 😀

{my furry valentine}

14 Feb

like most pet-owners, i’m a little obsessed… and i’m pretty much in love with my cat. ❤

i mean, how can i not be – look at how cute my callee kitty is!!!!


i love it when she stands like this or when she looks at me like that…


and i love her crazy long whiskers and when her ears go back like this…


she’s mildly playful, and also easily annoyed when her claws get stuck in things…


and it’s fun when you scroll through film and find pics like these! 😀

i’m just in love with my cat! ❤

{the intricate, cool, and colourful cabbage}

3 Feb


i am truly fascinated by nature. nothing makes me feel more connected than LIFE itself… you know, the being alive part, not the stuff we fill our lives with. food gives me a feeling that is unlike anything else. when i chop up vegetables, i stand in awe for a minute and marvel at what is before me. i am taken aback every single time i cut a cabbage in half. it blows my mind… i always find myself thinking, “BUT WHY?! why do you grow like that?!” …not to mention that stunning colour!

it truly does amaze me that nature has such intricacies about it. romanesco is one of the biggest food wonders, in my opinion. cabbage is a close second. i am also fascinated by swiss chard. sometimes i look at food and think about how similar it is to us, to humans… so many details going on inside and out. my hope is that we can all try to be a little more like food, like nature. be more of the BEING and not just the human.

i digress. 

i hope you enjoy these fotos i took while feeling inspired by this cool, intricate cabbage.


when i flipped it upside down, i thought it kind of represented a face. 😉



are you fascinated by nature?!

{happy halloween from the callee, the “scaredy-cat”}

31 Oct



… and she is {ironically} not really a fan of having her picture taken.


{a blue moon wedding!}

22 Aug

there were such beautiful and intimate moments at this wedding, that at one point – i almost forgot to keep taking pictures! i was completely enamored, what can i say?!  these two are such magnificent souls… and their love carries such an intense energy with it that EVERYONE could feel!

they decided to wed on the blue moon, just three weeks ago, this past july. it was just the most beautiful day and only 20 people were present for the ceremony… and so was blue moon, the yummy beer.


congratulations, a & a! ❤


{it’s my mama’s birthday!}

21 Aug


it’s my mama’s birthday today… you may remember how i celebrated a couple years ago…

well, this year i am going to take myself out to do something special… and in honour of my mother {since i look just like her} and her birthday, i thought i would post these silly pics of myself… Continue reading