Tag Archives: thankful

{“hobo hands”}

15 Mar

i have some of the best friends ever! mainly because they are TRUE FRIENDS, but also because they give me the best gifts. many of which are homemade and/or handmade and/or practical and/or purposeful… all the things i appreciate… always given with love and thought behind it. true treasures, just like the friends and people that they are!

case and point : these fabulous fingerless gloves that a dear friend sent me for christmas last year. her sister made them and i think they are just fantastic! coincidentally, i had recently been looking for a pair of fingerless gloves to replace the pair i had for decades that finally unraveled. then these appeared and – !!!!!! they are so much better than anything else i was finding in my search!!! 😀

AND! they are in my food and foto colour! 😀

even though spring is approaching, i still wear these often because they keep my wrists nice and cozy!



{i’ve always wanted one of these!}

29 Jul

i have some of the best people in my life! thoughtful, genuine, generous people… and i’m so thankful!

for my birthday last year, a dear friend gave me this awesome feather pen and quill ink stamp kit. i have always wanted one! i casually mentioned it to this person, and one day she brought it to me and i just shrieked in excitement! 🙂

i have since written several letters and sent them out to a select few people… it is just so much fun! i found this cool stationery that i had been holding onto for years, and it was just perfect for this kit!

my thoughts are like this – the internet and social media and all of that have great perks… but i also tend to be a little old-school… in that, i will always love sending and receiving mail! so this is just a perfect addition to my artistic studio!

would you like a hand-written wax-stamped letter from me? go to my about me page and fill out the form with your mailing address information and let’s be pen pals! 😀


{happy birthday to me!}

22 Nov


looking forward to a healthy year… mind, body, and spirit.

i want to take a moment to sincerely thank you all for being a part of my life. for taking the time to read what i write, for enjoying my fotos, for your emails, your comments, your jokes, and your love. i appreciate every word and interaction and cherish each one dearly. some of you have been along for the ride since the very beginning… and it just means so much to me to have you here! ❤

{words to live by}

27 Nov








today, and every day…


22 Sep

right around july this year, my blog really took a turning point. i have fine-tuned what it is i want this blog to represent.  i have collected some dedicated readers, and i’ve also created a dedicated set of specific blogs i post each corresponding day of the week.  it feels nice to have some structure.

if i had time, i’d post 7-days a week.  and hopefully very soon i will be able to do that.  my “day job” is going great, and my foto job is starting to take a turn as well, for the better.  i am digging all the positive change happening in my life lately.  i’m so beyond grateful…

and since march when i began this blog – i’ve created a cool 127 posts, stacked up over 250 followers, and graciously received over 1,000 likes.

so… THANKS! 🙂

i appreciate you.

and you know what else i appreciate? Continue reading