Tag Archives: headshots

{first portrait session of 2024}

26 Jan

this was one of my favourite sessions ever! mister LT was just so much fun to work with. he was immediately confident and comfortable in front of the camera, and he made it so easy on me while i had the privilege of playing behind the lense. those are my favourite type of sessions!

he is a very talented singer and artist and overall awesome human being! i am so thankful we met!

here are some of my favourite images from our morning in the brisk january air…

{p.s. – how handsome is he?!}

{corporate headshots – new client, mister PD}

8 Aug

my latest client, mister PD was effortless in front of the camera, which i’m also super grateful for.

i’ve recently been getting commissioned to do more corporate headshots for social media sites like linkedin. since i don’t have a studio and shoot primarily on location, i haven’t really been marketing myself as a “corporate headshot” fotographer… but i think that’s all about to change.

{new client, miss R!}

28 Nov

i am so happy to be working behind the camera again!

i met this lovely lady just three short weeks after moving to north carolina. she reached out regarding corporate headshots, and i was honoured to play the roll of fotographer 😉

i love her classic look and fiery red hair! miss R was a true pleasure to work with, and i hope to see more of her in the future!




{foto friday : familiar faces}

19 Jun

i’m just so thrilled when i have a repeat client.

david farwig is a client/friend from many years back and we’ve remained in contact over time… so when he reached out this spring to discuss another portrait session, i was very thankful and excited! i just love it when someone comes back. that means not only were they happy, but it also means they were satisfied and craved more… it means i’m doing my job well… it means i’ve left an impression… it means they WANT to hire me back… and that feels amazing.

david is a professional choral singer and he wanted some updated images to represent himself for his website… and since we had already engaged in a similar session a few years back, david felt much more comfortable with me and the camera for round two. we strolled around a park in denver, which was vividly green thanks to all this rain. it’s always a pleasure to work with him because david is so easy-going and kind. he has a gentle disposition which i appreciate and he enjoys my work, so it’s a win-win. i hope i can attract more clients like him in the future!

thanks, david!




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{colorado professional headshot photography : writer, john lilley}

13 Jul

hey gang!

i just wanted to share a few headshots from a recent session with my new client, john.  we met somewhat serendipitously when i was working for aspen ski resort last winter. john was going for a laid-back “brooklyn vibe” in his headshot session with me, and i think he embodied that quite well!

john is a talented freelance consultant, writer, and blogger.  check him out here.  we wandered the little town of carbondale, chasing light and looking for the perfect “new york city” type background.  i’m grateful john was up for the adventure – sometimes it can be hilarious to tag along with me on a shoot…

here are a few of my favourite shots :


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{whatever wednesday} — singer/songwriter/producer and actor/model/gentleman, david homyk

28 Nov

when i first moved to new york, i took whatever kind of work i could find. i freelanced for the first 6 months, it was kind of scary.  most of it didn’t pay that well, but it allowed me to get out and meet the coolest people and i got to fotograph some gorgeous ones!  david homyk was no exception.

i had found an online magazine that needed editorial shots of this up-and-coming songwriter and producer.  the moment i contacted david, i knew there was something special about him.  a true gentleman with a sparkle in his eyes that would swoon anything with a pulse.  his music is catchy and fun and he writes all of his own songs! we met up in the meat packing district of manhattan’s lower west corner just before sunset and enjoyed an image-packed 3-hour romp with about 6 outfit changes.  i’m usually nervous when i shoot strangers {that’s always fun to say}, but david put me at ease immediately.  he’s a natural in front of the camera, as he’s modeled numerous times, and he even helped me with some ideas for “looks” he wanted and he thought the magazine could use.

this shoot was one of my most memorable and favourites to date.  david has since gone on to do amazing things with his career :  he’s been featured on the hit daytime show all my children, he continues to write and produce his own music, and i’ve caught him a couple times on the tyra banks show.  he’s done quite well for himself and i’m honored to have this wonderful collection of fotographs of him!

so i’m going to share them. try not to drool 😉 Continue reading