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{happy halloween}

31 Oct

…from callee cat 😸🙀😼🎃







{wordless wednesday : life, lately}

16 Mar

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{my furry valentine}

14 Feb

like most pet-owners, i’m a little obsessed… and i’m pretty much in love with my cat. ❤

i mean, how can i not be – look at how cute my callee kitty is!!!!


i love it when she stands like this or when she looks at me like that…


and i love her crazy long whiskers and when her ears go back like this…


she’s mildly playful, and also easily annoyed when her claws get stuck in things…


and it’s fun when you scroll through film and find pics like these! 😀

i’m just in love with my cat! ❤

{white} christmas recap

25 Dec

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{for the love of fall!}

10 Nov

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{happy halloween from the callee, the “scaredy-cat”}

31 Oct



… and she is {ironically} not really a fan of having her picture taken.



10 Jul

here’s a bunch of pics via the iphone, from recent days in the life of audrey michelle :




{callee cat adventures}

15 May

i just love my kitty…


i had never seen her do this, up until about 3 months ago…


people-watchin’ with plants…


Continue reading

{some virtual holiday haps}

16 Dec

hey gang – how’s winter treating you?

i really don’t wanna jinx it, but this time last year we had like double the amount of snow, if not triple, that we do now. we had a storm blow through this weekend, but nothing really accumulated or even fell from the clouds. i’ll probably get chastised for saying this, but i am perfectly fine without all that cold white stuff. {i do, however, like to see it flurrying down my screen from wordpress tech wonderland…}


i’m still in the holiday spirit, though. my tiny tree has been up in the tiny home since thanksgiving weekend and i’ve been watching tons of christmas movies and listening to christmas albums. i save “home alone” for christmas day – i wouldn’t say it’s my favourite, but it’s just one of those classics i have to watch every year. my favourite christmas movie ever is probably “love actually” ❤

what’s your favourite christmas movie?!


i also plan on pretty much not taking off this santa hat until december 26th. i have two cowlicks in my hair and when it’s short it’s fine, and when it’s long it’s fine… but i’m in the funky “growing out my hair” phase and sometimes throwing on a hat is the only way to get through my day and be happy about my hair. this time last year, it was about the same length, but i got impatient and cut it all off. this time, i will persevere! 😛


occasionally we get some really cool clouds up here. have you been looking up in wonder at the sky lately? …you should, and often.


LOVE : that wonderful feeling that can present itself in many forms. and sometimes the only place to find it is in a sticker plastered on a bench at a bus-stop… but it’s still there! ❤


a random salad i whipped up : brussel sprouts, cabbage, bacon, tart cherries, flax seeds, and parmesan cheese in a french vinaigrette. i admit i do not eat nearly as many cold salads in the winter… i just can’t get down with cold food in the cold months. but i do try to squeeze in some raw greens when the mood strikes me.


as a child of the 90’s, peace signs were kind of cool when i was growing up. we drew them on our notebooks, put pins on our backpacks, some of us even got tattoos of the peace sign!  but it’s kind of weird to me that you don’t often see it anymore – at least not like we did when i was a kid. seeing this peace sign drawn in permanent cement made me smile – it’s there forever, dammit! 😛


something so simple as a wreath does so much for my holiday spirit.  perhaps they remind me of my mom, in a way… i am pretty sure she would make them and we always had them on our doors, growing up. my neighbour thoughtfully bought me this wreath for the tiny house door… Continue reading

{the reason…}

17 Aug










