Tag Archives: beach

{it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day}

17 Sep

a little sunrise beach pano to start your day…

{summer’s final moon}

28 Aug

i just never tire of experiencing the ocean… the sight, the smell, the sound… the feeling, the energy all around!

i also never tire of experiencing the moon… equally as much wonderful energy to behold!

i went down to the shore over the weekend for some {much needed} vitamin sea and to admire and enjoy the ocean and the full moon. by the time i got to the beach, the moon was just coming up over the horizon… and some hazy clouds initially obstructed the view.

still… breathtaking, right?!

it wasn’t long before the moon peeked out of the ombre sky and shared her beauty with us one again, in her final appearance of summer.

i walked around for a good hour or so, gazing in wanderlust as the moon took place high in the sky, illuminating all it touched…

… listening to the crashing waves, my senses engaged with the salty air, my toes wiggling in the soft sand…

feeling humbled and grateful for all that has been before me and all that is around me now. for all that will be, for all that i am, for all that i have, and for all that i have yet to experience.


24 May

i took a little drive down to the shore few weeks ago… and unbeknownst to me, it was spring break – so the beach was super crowded.

i pretended like no one was there, anyway. 🙂


i took myself out to dinner, which has become a tradition now, every time i visit the area. i’m in love with hieronymus seafood and i always get their steamer platter.

nom nom!!

i was a very happy mermaid… 😉


{zen space}

7 Nov

oh, how i have missed blogging!  and i have missed interacting with my readers! i hope you all have been well and that life has been treating you with love and grace.

so much has happened this year {and last year} for me and although i would love to go into great detail about it all, after much consideration, i have decided to refrain.  i have been taking some time to journal some thoughts down and i think that will be a good way to release it all first. then, if i decide to share, i will.

it suffices to say that i have grown tremendously over the last 24 months and i sit here writing this post with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and relief! the past is in the past and i am here, now. although, the time is always now, you know?! if we are fully submersed in the moment, we are always in the now.  the past is behind us and we can’t change it and the future doesn’t even exist yet… so all we really have is now. and it is always NOW. i am {re}learning and remembering how crucial this simple truth is to keep in the forefront of our minds. it is far too easy to get caught up in other things and especially other thoughts.

and here at food and foto, we like to keep it as light-hearted as possible. or at least, as “positive” as possible. i have been thinking a lot about what we choose to focus on; what we allow our minds to be occupied with. and for me, it is extremely important to find a way to disconnect from our seemingly ceaseless thoughts… to find a zen space. and that doesn’t exactly have to be a physical place. although – it can be found in nature, in a park, in your bedroom, at a church… but basically, being “zen” is truly a state of mind. it has little to do with location.

however, it is true and i do find that some places bring me to a more “zen” feeling than others. for example, i did like living in the mountains and especially in the tiny home, as it was a life-changing experience… one that many people dream of. however, i never quite felt “zen” while i was there. at least, not like i do when i am near the ocean. i love listening to the sound of the waves as the water ebbs and flows… it reminds me to breathe in and breathe out. i love the smell of the salty air breezing through my hair… it reminds me to stay in touch with my intuition and appreciate the moment. i love sense of wonder and awe i feel for the unknown that lies beyond and beneath… it keeps me grounded and humble. truly, nothing makes me feel more zen than being near the ocean.

i am a water baby at my core and i basically believe i am {or was} a mermaid. therefore, i feel truly at home when i am near the vastness of the big blue. something about being around the water gives me a sense of peace like nothing else does. it is truly my zen space.

with all that said, i would like to share these fotos i took while visiting the atlantic ocean recently. i had a little fun playing around with some different filters. also, it’s pretty satisfying to be able to dip your toes in the warm sand in november!

beach-web-14beach-web-2beach-web-1 beach-web-3beach-web-4  beach-web-6 beach-web-8beach-web-7 beach-web-9beach-web-10 beach-web-11 beach-web-12beach-web-20beach-web-15beach-web-16 beach-web-17beach-web-18 beach-web-13

where do you find your zen space?!

{foto friday} — day-dreamin’

1 Feb

missin’ the water…


{canon beach, oregon}


{carmel, california}

{foto friday} — love.

7 Dec


let’s get out and share as much as we can, mmkay?! xxoo



© audrey michelle / foodandfoto.com

{travel tuesday} – a sunset in carmel, california

21 Aug

what an absolutely stunning place – carmel, california.  monterey bay is equally as beautiful – they are almost one in the same.

years ago, when i was in college, i went to visit my dad in san jose, california – also beautiful, and also will be a blog post at some point – and i took lots and lots of drives along the pacific.  only twice now have i ever been to that region… but i tried to soak up as much as possible with each visit – particularly this time since i was studying fotography and wanted to use these images for my portfolio.  and i did – this one :

i am so thankful i got to visit this wonderful place… i miss the ocean a lot since moving back to colorado.  i’ve always been so drawn to it, to the water. i love the sound of the waves, the smell of the ocean air, the breeze from off the shoreline… mmm, i miss it.  the pacific ocean is pretty different than the atlantic, though… and i’m way more used to the atlantic.  if i remember correctly, i was surprised at how much cooler the water temps in the pacific were…

i digress.

here are some shots from that brisk may sunset in carmel : Continue reading