Tag Archives: potatoes

{specialty produce : fingerling potatoes}

4 Mar


tell me you’ve tried these before?!  i’m pretty sure i’ve mentioned them at least once or twice on this here blog of mine… they are definitely a staple in my home!  what’s better than colourful carbohydrates?!


i was a little surprised and way excited when i spotted this multi-coloured pack at the market. my favourite way to prepare them is to simply drizzle them with tons of olive oil and S&P and roast them in a 400 degree oven for about a half hour…


the finished product is a sheen, tender and sweet potato ready for poppin!


they make an excellent side dish, and are also great in soups.

{meatless monday – peewee potatoes}

24 Sep

look at these adorable little potatoes.  aren’t they cute?!  when i saw them i let out a little squeal and snagged them up.  they are in fact called, “pee wee potatoes” and rightfully so, they are itty bitty!  like, no bigger than a small pebble, i love it.


i just kept them whole, smothered them in EVOO and a S&P and roasted them in a 400 degree oven for about a half hour or so, until tender.

then take them out and let them cool a bit… {isn’t it interesting how the colour changes}

serve as is.  i ate this entire bowl, they are out of this world delicious!  sweet and creamy and they ‘pop’ when you bite into them… so much fun.


meatless monday – “nutri-tatoes”

30 Jul

i’m not feeling very well at all today.  so this is going to be a quick and to-the-point post.  a simple vegan recipe that i feel the whole family will love…

super easy to make, too. keeps well in the fridge, can be reheated, and of course – good for you! i had these quite a few times on my cleanse, as i could feel my body needing the protein. Continue reading