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{fresh and crumbly parmigiano reggiano – it’s that time again!}

1 Apr


whole foods cracks a brand new fresh wheel of this crumbly gold every year around this time… and i always try to nab some up.

i look forward to it every year. there just isn’t anything like freshly cracked parmigiano reggiano.  did you know in order for it to have that “stamp” or seal that says it’s the real deal, the cows can only graze on certain pastures in certain parts of italy.  and that those cows are the only cows used to milk and create this wonderful cheese with?!

ain’t no fake stuff here! 🙂

nom nom…

{“partly cloudy”}

1 Apr


april fools! – more snow on the way!!!  big fat sigh.

it feels like groundhog day all over again… 😉

{by the way – i took this foto last week and the next day, it was literally a blanket of white…}