{travel tuesday} — “the old mill” : autumn in north carolina

27 Nov

a few years ago i visited my uncle in north carolina.  i am itching to go back. i hadn’t really been to that part of the country in a long time!  see, i was born in south carolina, if you can believe it.  didn’t stay there very long, but i still claim to be somewhat a southern belle 😉 at least – my manners and kind heart are still very southern.  but don’t be fooled, i’ll still get down and sassy with ya, i won’t deep fry butter, and you’ll never catch me in a pair of heels!

anyway, i’m sad to say i can’t remember exactly where this is located – i googled it, but can’t find it.  there are apparently lots of “old mills” in north carolina -hA! my aunt was super excited to show me this place – and with just cause!  it’s gorgeous!  i doubt the leaves are still this vivid in colour, but you never know; those east coast autumns can linger!

here are some of my favourite shots from “the old mill” {which is still operating!  – so cool!} :

“the old mill”

hi 🙂

love this shot

hi again.

LOVE this magenta bush i saw as we were leaving…

happy travels!

8 Responses to “{travel tuesday} — “the old mill” : autumn in north carolina”

  1. Green Door Hospitality November 27, 2012 at 9:00 am #

    Wonderful photos!! What a lovely spot!


  2. anthony0358 November 27, 2012 at 9:56 am #

    thank you for sharing these amazing photos!


  3. Uncle Bill November 27, 2012 at 11:30 am #

    Come back ANY time!!!! It’s Yates Mill – http://www.yatesmill.org/


    • cooking with audrey November 27, 2012 at 11:31 am #

      YAY!!! i didn’t see that one when i googled… thank you so much UB!! xxoo


  4. Java Girl November 27, 2012 at 10:13 pm #

    All stunning pictures! I especially love the last picture. Some things in nature are incredibly hard to duplicate in a painting such as that plant. Wow!!


    • cooking with audrey November 28, 2012 at 12:16 am #

      thanks so much lady! i thought the same thing… the colour is even hard to capture truly on film… it comes close, but man that thing was on FIRE!! and it was so frail and dainty… a beauty only found in nature 🙂


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