{wordy wednesday} – patience.

15 Aug

well well well.  what do we have here?

i’ve been in colorado for exactly a year now.  i’ve been doing the same job for that entire year.  that’s not normal for me – i’m very progressive, often get promoted quickly, move up quickly, etc.  i just have a go-getter attitude and people usually notice that.  hell, i was promoted within 2 months in new york city to one of the top managers of my store… all i gotta do is flash ’em that smile, usually – 😉


well, as the universe would have it, i’ve once again been promoted.  i’m back in my stride, doing my thing, and i have the position i needed and wanted since i moved here.

what has the last year taught me then?  what has all that disappointment, struggle, hardship, nonsense, and hidden truth done for me?!  what has waiting, waiting, and waiting, done for me?!  what have i learned in all that?!


my lesson in life has always been patience.  my sagittarian nature doesn’t allow much room for patience.  we are progressive, exciting, and going going going… we don’t like to wait – for anything, really.  well, i’m speaking mostly for myself, but it is one of the less endearing qualities of a sagittarius, and i embrace that. but really, it’s about balance, right?!

that doesn’t mean i want to continue living my life impatient like the new-yorker i am at heart.  in fact, i’ve been struggling to maintain this “issue” of mine for my entire life.  the truth is, i kinda like me. i like being an impatient new yorker – are you done reading this blog, yet?  c’mon, we got stuff to do…

what a contrast, leaving new york city – the lights and the minutes that pass faster than most, the hustle and bustle of the concrete jungle – and here i am, surrounded by the peaceful perfectness of the rocky mountains, the crisp clean air, the silence.

both have an allure.  both are much like the dual sides of my personality, actually…. new york city being my impatient side – and boy does that city feed an ego.  you want something?  here you go, we’ll deliver it to your apartment, too – i mean, ANYTHING!  ANY TIME!  oh, you haven’t had a date in a month? someone will propose to you today, just take the L train anywhere.  what’s wrong? you’re bored – go to times square.  had a bad day?  you’ll be over it tomorrow, there’s no time to dwell!  colorado being my laid-back hippie side – strut when you walk, slow down the pace.  smell that?  it’s clean rocky mountain air.  oh, those huge rocks are the garden of the gods – nothin’ like ’em.  you want a pizza at 3 a.m.?  too bad, the closest place doesn’t open until 11.  you didn’t grasp what i said, let me slow it down even more for you… oh, and take your time crossing the street, i got all day… it’s colorado.

i’m so confusing.  🙂  how can i be both of those things?!  all of those things?! well, next wordy wednesday may have to dive into astrology a little more… or maybe i’ll start an astrology saturday section?  why not blog 7 days a week?!  i am such a writer, i’ve discovered.  and apparently, some of you really like to read — THANK YOU!!!

but i do know, that i’m learning to become more and more patient as time goes on.  that sweet universe, always supporting me and reminding me softly that MY TIME doesn’t matter.  time itself doesn’t actually matter much… whatever.

i told my roommate before i moved here… i said, “i may need to decompress a little… or a lot… i don’t know what the time frame will look like or what my needs will be”  — who knew it would take a whole year?!?!  — and bless his heart, he has been an undying support of me, through this very challenging adjustment.  i really didn’t know if i would ever come out of it in a positive light.  but one thing my roommate has, is PATIENCE!

and i admire that.  and i want more of it in my life.

so, i suppose having a leadership position again will certainly test my patience — ask, and you shall receive.



4 Responses to “{wordy wednesday} – patience.”

  1. mylifeisthebestlife August 15, 2012 at 10:38 am #

    Patience is not a virtue I possess. I was JUST about to send you an email saying, “HELLOOOO…where is today’s post???” and *poof* the Universe provides.

    So three cheers for your learning of patience and an extra cheer for Astrology Saturdays!!!


    • cooking with audrey August 15, 2012 at 10:40 am #

      hehe, i slept late – i was like WHOA WHOA WHOA, first things first – anita needs my blog 😉 hahaha! yeah, i suck at patience. but i rule at getting shit done. so… whatever.


  2. anthony0358 August 15, 2012 at 10:49 am #

    Congratulations Audrey! This is such wonderful news! WFM showed good judgement today



  1. {foto friday} – the time i watched a praying mantis give herself a bath… « food & foto - August 17, 2012

    […] they absolute stun me.  did you know the mantis doesn’t make a single move unless she is absolutely sure it’s the right thing to do?!  kind of like me — i’ll internalize my thoughts for months, weighing out the consequences, possibilities, and outcomes of a decision before i fully choose which one to make.  i don’t like to do something unless i’m SURE it’s what i need to do. finding that place from which i draw that “sureness” is key – it can’t always only come from my brain, it has to come from my heart. the praying mantis represents that balance for me… stillness in the mind in order to make the right choice from the heart.  i like to think the mantis is very much an intuitive creature.  we could learn a lot by watching her, just like we did with ADAM ANT, remember him? patience, diligence, grace, poise, intuition — all qualities of a praying mantis.  all qualities we could all stand to have more of.  i thought seeing her this week went along with my whole patience theme – remember? […]


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