Archive | 10:17 am

{foto friday} — it’s a blue moon!

31 Aug

a blue moon occurs when there are TWO full moons in one month.  we had a full moon on august 1st – {uhm, only the most emotional full moon i’ve been through to date} – and now this evening, we will have another full moon.  it will technically be full in the wee hours of the night, but it ought to be quite the display in the big sky.  last night after i watered the garden, i looked up and saw it.  i ran in to grab my camera, got distracted by my cute cat, only to come back to see that the moon was hiding behind some clouds. some COOL clouds!

i work late tonight, so i probably won’t have time to take photos of the full moon, but i thought i’d share these images from last night – as i precariously stood on a patio chair, nervously gripping my neighbour’s fence in hopes of not falling or shaking too much.  shooting at 1600 ISO is NOT my favourite thing ever.  but, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to get some good shots… Continue reading