Tag Archives: vitamix juice

{drink the rainbow! – “strawberry sunrise” vitamix juice}

8 Apr

i LOVE this one!


– fresh strawberries

– frozen pineapple

– 1/4 frozen banana

– coconut water


*glug glug* – what a pretty colour! cheers!

side-note : i use frozen bananas because i believe it takes over the flavour too much when using fresh, plus it’s a cheap way to save overripe bananas.  just chop ’em up and freeze ’em. then you can use a little at a time.  some things are just better fresh, and others work fine frozen – like berries or pineapple.  last week i just happen to catch fresh strawberries on sale, so i hooked it up!  plus, mixing it up with frozen and fresh helps the smoothie stay cold.  if you want to use only fresh ingredients, just make sure to throw in a little ice 🙂

{drink the rainbow! – red-beet & antioxidant vitamix juice}

29 Mar

well folks, unfortunately i haven’t been feeling so great over the last few days… aches, pains, watery-eyes, stuffy-nose, sore-throat, the whole {nasty} bit… it’s okay, i will patiently let it run its course… but what better way to cure what ails me than to drink some colour…

MAGENTA, in this case 🙂

vitamix juice-1

– frozen mixed berries {about 1/4 cup}

– orange juice {about 1/2 cup}

– 1/2 fresh pear or apple, cut in half

– 1/2 large boiled red beet {could also do raw}

– 2 or 3 pitted dates {one of my favourite go-to sweetners}

– splash of almond or coconut milk

– squeeze of lemon or lime

– filtered water

i heart the vitamix. you just throw this all in and crank it on high until well-blended. then drink, enjoy, and watch your skin glow and your system restore itself!

have a great weekend! i’ll be taking mine nice and easy…