{gracefully coffee roasters}

8 May

i have this on again/off again thing with coffee.

mostly, we’re on.

i love coffee, and i especially love espresso! but sometimes, i don’t like the effects of the caffeine associated with coffee and espresso. and drinking decaf just doesn’t appeal to me… nor does it have the same complex flavour {in my opinion}, which is the main reason i love to drink coffee.

i prefer dark roasts for the robust flavour and lower{ish} caffeine content, and i drink it with a {generous} dash of heavy cream. when i worked as a barista, i would sip on an iced cortado just about every day. over the years, i’ve learned how to strike a balance with it and ultimately listen to my body as to when to be “on” coffee, and when to be “off” it.

do any of you have a similar experience?

anyway, this post is about some super yummy coffee made in small batches by an equally yummy and awesome company : gracefully coffee roasters.

i got this TOTALLY DELICIOUS coffee as a christmas gift last year and i wish i still had some because it was out-of-this world amazing! this particular batch was a medium roast with hints of peanut butter and chocolate. now, i don’t know if it was just the power of suggestion in their awesome marketing description or what – but i’m telling you, that first sip of coffee tasted like a creamy chocolate peanut butter cup.

gracefully coffee roasters are true masters of their craft. one easily gets a sense of how much passion and care they pour into their coffee roasts. they offer monthly subscription boxes so you can try new coffee all the time! they also have yummy tea!

check out their website and show a little love… 😉

5 Responses to “{gracefully coffee roasters}”

  1. Anthony Mark May 8, 2018 at 7:55 am #

    okay now its confession time. I never drink coffee, I may have had one cup of coffee in my whole life. I think its because as a boy I always had to wait for my parents to drink their coffee before I could go out and play. But I can still enjoy the post and the photos from today’s blog

    Liked by 1 person

    • food & foto June 11, 2018 at 6:19 pm #

      that shocks me, anthony! but it also kind of makes sense. you don’t seem like someone who needs many stimulants, in general 🙂


  2. Anonymous May 8, 2018 at 11:04 am #

    I don’t drink coffee either, an ice tea girl for my caffeine, but I LOVE the scent of coffee and I love dark chocolate coffee beans. We also have Gracefully Coffee Roasters in our kitchen for the hubby and guests! Love the scent and others who have tried it love it!


  3. David May 14, 2018 at 4:20 am #

    I have always favored the lighter coffees myself. It’s been a part of my AM routine since high school. A morning ritual. One of the drummers my band works with is a coffee roaster for a small company here in Boston. He brings us lots of different flavors to try, and he always smells yummy LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Julie May 16, 2018 at 2:22 pm #

    I love it!! Thank you for making our coffee look/sound so wonderful :).

    Liked by 1 person

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