{travel tuesday} – letchworth state park, new york

11 Dec

a dear friend of mine took me to this marvelous place a few years back and i fell in love.  of course – autumn in new york is always amazing, even when it’s late autumn.  the leaves had mostly fallen off at this point, but it created a blanket that covered the forest floor and there were traces of colour left on some of the trees.  very enchanting, this place.  i wasn’t sure if the blair witch was going to pop out and scare me or if fairies were going to come in and sweep me away to narnia…

the crispness in the air was memorable and the overcast lighting created a moody effect, so i snapped some artsy fotos with my iphone :


i still love the shake-it app.



i see a heart here, do you?


a few of them here…


this one, too…


also, thank you as always for reading and following — who’s going to be my lucky 300th?? 🙂

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