{social media and stuff}

7 Feb

hey gang.

after a nice long hiatus, i have decided to rejoin the social media world.

call me old-school, but i believe we are living in interesting times, in having these social media worlds to get lost in. and i mean just that; we can truly lose ourselves in them. both in an imaginative sense, by finding inspiration or muse in a foto or post… and also in a literal sense, by convincing ourselves that these filtered-versions of life are a substitute for an innate desire to offer and receive a genuine connection with others.

for me, nothing is more worthwhile than sitting face to face with another human being and connecting… reveling in all the energies that swirl around by being present and honest, and sharing a meaningful interaction. however, it is also enjoyable to have a medium like this in which to connect and relate to others.

i guess, for me, the most crucial thing is finding and maintaining the balance.

as a reminder, you can follow me on social media at these accounts :

instagram – @foodnfoto

facebook – @foodnfoto

pinterest – @foodnfoto


thank you to those of you who have continued to engage and inspire me. i don’t know if i can properly convey to you all how thankful i am to have this outlet to express myself and my passions in. i don’t know if i can properly convey to you all how thankful i am to have you as followers, readers, commenters, and friends. from the bottom of my heart, please know that i am thankful for each one of you… sincerely.


6 Responses to “{social media and stuff}”

  1. Merilee February 7, 2017 at 7:29 am #

    It’s good to unplug sometimes.


  2. naomisilverart February 7, 2017 at 7:52 am #

    Speaking of inspiration, I’m thinking of doing a painting based on a photo you posted in your last post of fog over a lake. Glad you’re back, Audrey. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • cooking with audrey February 7, 2017 at 9:59 am #

      that’s incredible! i would love it if you shared it with me so i can appreciate it! thank you for the comment and the support!


  3. anthony0358 February 7, 2017 at 2:20 pm #

    Welcome back to social media! I missed you so much on there! I only discovered your work through social media. My day just got a whole lot better!

    Liked by 1 person

    • cooking with audrey February 7, 2017 at 5:10 pm #

      it’s great to have your support, anthony. thank you for your encouragement over the years!!


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