{thirsty thursday} how to eat AND drink a pomegranate

20 Dec


pomegranates are so pretty.  look at that colour!  i just love it.

i’m sure you’ve had pomegranate juice before, it was all the rage for a while. it’s still amazing, but i wondered if everyone knew how to actually cut and eat the whole pomegranate itself.  it can seem intimidating if you aren’t sure. so here are the steps i take when buying this seasonal deliciousness.

i figured i’d buy one since they are only 2 bucks on sale right now, and just use the seeds to throw in the vitamix with my smoothies.  pomegranate juice is usually kind of pricey, so i thought this was the most cost-effective way to get my antioxidants, fiber, and vitamin c out of this amazing fruit.


begin by quartering the pomegranate like so… keep it in a bowl… then all we want to do is turn the slices inside out to kind of “open” them, and push out the seeds…  they will easily come right off of the pulp inside… it’s best to do this over your bowl and have a paper towel handy, as these things DO stain…


here’s how my setup looks when i cut into a pomegranate. 🙂


look how pretty…


then i just throw them in some little tupperware containers and add to my smoothies as needed or munch on them as a snack…


in this case, i mixed it with orange juice, almond milk, frozen berries, bananas, spinach, some protein powder, maca root powder, and flax seed.

good morning 🙂

7 Responses to “{thirsty thursday} how to eat AND drink a pomegranate”

  1. anthony0358 December 20, 2012 at 12:11 pm #

    awesome job by the awesome Audrey Michelle


  2. My French Heaven December 20, 2012 at 12:26 pm #



  3. IntuitionMatters June 26, 2014 at 6:23 am #

    I wish you were making MY breakfasts! You need your own morning show to get our days started off right!



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