{thirsty thursday} — “vitamix breakfast cookies” and another vitamix smoothie

29 Nov

these are always always always a hit.  i’m not much of a baker, but when i find something that is easy to make and that people like, i try to create it into my own.  i have yet to quite create the perfect consistency for these {i’m a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to anything i make or do}, but i do think i found the right name for them.  the ingredients are so simple and healthy that you could literally eat them for breakfast – and not feel at all guilty about it!! they are also great for holiday parties or after school snacks. a good source of dietary fiber and protein as well as healthy fats.

this recipe yields about 3 dozen cookies, depending on size variation.  whenever i bring these to holiday parties, they’re gone in under an hour! everyone just loves them!

as always, i’m a huge proponent for using as many organic products as possible when i cook or eat…

– 1 cup almonds or pecans or a mix of both

– 1 cup rolled oats

– 1 cup whole wheat pastry flour

– 1/2 cup maple syrup

– 1/2 cup canola or safflower oil {which i haven’t yet tried}

– 1/4 teaspoon salt {i believe this constitutes as a “pinch”}

– your favourite jam or conserve {i have wanted to try a savory jam like jalapeno berry or something}

begin by preheating your oven to about 350 degrees.

i used my vitamix {one of my best investments ever!} to grind the ingredients into a flour-like consistency.  i love this machine.  it does everything!!  i say it is an investment because the price tag might make you a little nervous, but let me tell you it pays off!  it practically replaces like every kitchen appliance in your home! 🙂

add in the almonds and oats and turn on low… somewhere between setting 3 and 5 should suffice. if you’re using a food processor, just pulsate until coarsely ground.

LOVE this thing!

once ground, mix well with your pastry flour and salt.

once your flour and salt is mixed together, add in oil and maple syrup and blend well using a spatula or large spoon.

the mixture comes together very well.  it’s pretty much easy to wipe right off the bowl.  i had to use a large cooking pan because in this foto i’m making a larger batch to take to work and i don’t have a mixing bowl that big 😉

roll into ping-pong size balls or slightly larger or smaller, whichever you prefer… they’re your cookies, afterall 😉

press your thumb into them making a little bed for your jam to cozy into 🙂

you can totally control the ingredients.  i choose a conserve with no added sugar.  use your homemade stuff!  or try it with something else… chocolate maybe?  what’s not good with chocolate?!

pop them in the oven for about 15-18 minutes, until golden brown and barely firm around the edges.  transfer to a cooling rack or plate. try not to eat them immediately, even though every time i make them i have to shoo my roommate away so he doesn’t burn his mouth! 😉

nom nom doesn’t even cover it!

what i also love about my vitamix is how it’s its own dishwasher 🙂

simply squeeze in a drop or two of your dishwashing liquid and fill half-way with water. then flip that sucker on high and watch it clean itself! i admit, this time i chose to give it a good wipe with the rag as well because of the sticky matter, but then i was right back to blending my smoothie :

– 1/2 apple {seeds and stems included}

– 1/2 pear {seeds and stems included}

– a few frozen grapes {an outstanding snack, by the way!}

– half a banana {every time i use a whole one, it takes over the flavour of the smoothie}

– 2 huge handfuls of spinach {blends right in, can hardly taste it!}

– about 1-2 cups orange juice {add more if needed}

– and i usually add in some flax seed and a little raw protein powder

toss all together in the outstanding vitamix container. add in a couple ice cubes if desired and blend on high for about a minute…and voila!

a super green smoothie. hA! – only it’s not really green green, but the spinach overtook the colour on this one.  the juice from the pear and apple weren’t enough to change the colour much. but it tasted amazing!!!

aaannnd it compliments the breakfast cookies rather well for the holidays, wouldn’t you agree?!  you know, green and red 🙂

12 Responses to “{thirsty thursday} — “vitamix breakfast cookies” and another vitamix smoothie”

  1. My French Heaven November 29, 2012 at 12:30 pm #

    Beautiful! Thanks for sharing!!


  2. amandagay November 30, 2012 at 7:49 am #

    Thanks for that great cookie recipe! Do you think my cuisinart can handle the job?


    • cooking with audrey November 30, 2012 at 9:07 am #

      i have a cuisinart as well, though i’m not sure i’ve ever tried to grind nuts in it… when i did a little research, the results were varied. perhaps you could crush the almonds then throw them in? or buy slivered almonds for this recipe just to be safe 🙂 thank you so much for the comment and for reading! 🙂


      • amandagay November 30, 2012 at 9:40 am #

        Good idea on the crushed almonds! Thank you for taking the time to look into it for me. I love your ‘click click nom nom’ concept 🙂


      • cooking with audrey November 30, 2012 at 9:51 am #

        my pleasure, amanda. thank you for the kind compliments! let me know if you try the cookies and what you think of them 🙂


      • amandagay November 30, 2012 at 9:57 am #

        Will do!


      • amandagay November 30, 2012 at 10:11 am #

        Will do, Audrey!


  3. LensTHERAPY December 8, 2012 at 4:31 pm #

    Thanks for liking my blog. And thanks for sharing on the recipes



  1. {it’s the final foto friday of 2013!} | food & foto - December 27, 2013

    […] worked on christmas day… which was kind of cool and kind of weird. naturally, i brought my vitamix breakfast cookies to the office – and all 4 dozen got […]


  2. {it’s the final foto friday of 2013!} | food & foto - December 27, 2013

    […] worked on christmas day… which was kind of cool and kind of weird. naturally, i brought my vitamix breakfast cookies to the office – and all 4 dozen got […]


  3. in honor of smoothie week… | food & foto - November 3, 2014

    […] CASE AND POINT : my homemade vitamix breakfast cookies and my very first vitamix green smoothie. […]


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